Phrases List

Rain of kisses
A shower or abundance of kisses, often used metaphorically to express affection or love.
Rain stoppage
A pause or interruption in an event or activity due to rain.
Raise suspicion
To cause doubt or uncertainty about someone or something, often leading to the belief that there may be something wrong or dishonest.
Raised the ire
Elicited or provoked anger, irritation, or displeasure from someone.
Raised the issue
Brought up or presented a topic or matter for consideration or discussion.
Raised the request
Submitted or formally requested something, often referring to making a formal application or asking for something to be done.
Raising this issue
Bringing up or presenting a particular topic or concern for discussion or consideration.
Ran some errands
Completed various tasks or chores, typically outside of the home, often related to daily responsibilities or needs.
Ran towards me
To move quickly in the direction of the speaker.
Randomly checked
Subject to inspection or examination in a haphazard or unpredictable manner, without a specific pattern or order.
Randomly picked
Chosen or selected without a specific pattern or method, often by chance or without a predetermined plan.
Range of impact
The extent or scope of influence or effect.
Rank in order of preference
Arrange items or options based on individual preferences or priorities, indicating the desired order or priority assigned to each.
Rank up
To achieve a higher position or level, often in a hierarchy or ranking system.
Ranked number one
Having the highest position or status in a ranking or hierarchy.
Rather better
To a somewhat greater extent or degree; more satisfactory or advantageous.
Raucous applause
Loud, boisterous, and enthusiastic applause characterized by a lack of restraint or control.
Reach a milestone
To achieve a significant or noteworthy accomplishment or event in a particular process or journey.
Reach a resolution
To arrive at a decision or solution after careful consideration or discussion.
Reach greater heights
To achieve more success or excellence; to surpass previous accomplishments.
Reached the limit
Having attained the maximum or highest allowable quantity, degree, or amount.
Reached you
To have arrived or been delivered to your location or person.
Reaching upwards
The action of extending or stretching upwards in a vertical direction.
Read as meaning
To interpret or understand something in a particular way.
Read it thoroughly
To examine or go through something carefully and completely.
Ready for consumption
Prepared and suitable for consumption or use.
Ready for launching
Prepared and set for the process of launching, indicating that something is ready to be launched or initiated.
Ready for order
Prepared and available for purchase or acquisition.
Ready for payment
Prepared or available for payment; in a state where a transaction can be completed by providing the necessary funds.
Ready for printing
Prepared or suitable for the process of producing printed material.
Ready for sleep
Prepared or in a suitable state for sleeping.
Ready for usage
Prepared and available for use.
Ready to be picked up
Indicating that something is prepared or available for collection or retrieval.
Ready to rock
Fully prepared and eager to take on a challenge or task, often used informally to express enthusiasm and confidence.
Ready to sail away
Prepared or eager to embark on a journey or leave a place, typically with a sense of anticipation or readiness for adventure.
Real enjoyment
Genuine and satisfying pleasure or delight.
Real excited
Genuinely enthusiastic or thrilled, experiencing strong positive emotions.
Real world situation
A situation or scenario that exists or occurs in the actual, practical, or real-life environment rather than in a theoretical or idealized setting.
Realised it
To become aware of something or to understand a situation or fact.
Reality set in
The moment when a person fully grasps or accepts the true nature of a situation, often after a period of denial or illusion.
Really amazed
Feeling or showing great surprise or wonder; astonished.
Really amazed me
Expressing a strong sense of surprise, wonder, or astonishment.
Really appreciated
Expressing gratitude or thankfulness in a sincere manner.
Really bizarre
Extremely strange, unusual, or curious; odd in manner or appearance.
Really easily
In a genuine or sincere manner without difficulty or effort.
Really enjoyed
To take great pleasure or satisfaction in something.
Really enjoyed the night
Expressing genuine pleasure or satisfaction from the evening hours.
Really hoping that
Expressing a strong desire or wish for a particular outcome or situation to occur.
Really nicely
In a very pleasant and pleasing manner.
Really though
Used to express sincerity, agreement, or emphasis, often in response to a previous statement.
Really tough
Extremely difficult or challenging; requiring great effort or determination.
Realm of expertise
A specific field or area in which one has knowledge, skill, or experience.
Realm of jurisdiction
The domain or territory over which legal authority or control is exercised.
Reap the fruits
To enjoy the rewards or benefits of one's efforts or actions; to experience positive outcomes or results.
Reason for concern
An explanation or justification for feeling worried or troubled about a particular situation or event.
Reassuring smile
A smile that conveys comfort, confidence, or a sense of security, helping to ease anxiety or concerns.
Receive a confirmation from
To obtain an acknowledgment or verification in response to a request or action.
Receive guidance
To obtain advice, direction, or recommendations for a particular purpose or situation.
Received a communication
To have received a message or information through a medium of transmission.
Received a communication from
To have received a message or information from someone or something through a means of contact or exchange.
Received an award
Being recognized and given a prize or accolade for achievements or merits.
Received confirmation that
Obtaining acknowledgment or verification that something is true or has been received.
Received correspondence
The act of receiving written or printed communication, such as letters or emails, from someone or something.
Received date
The date on which something is received.
Received just today
Indicating that something was received on the same day it is being referred to.
Received thanks
To have received expressions of gratitude or appreciation from someone.
Received via email
Refers to something that has been obtained or acquired through the means of electronic mail.
Recently changed
Refers to something that has been modified or altered in a recent period of time.
Recently departed
Refers to individuals who have recently passed away or died.
Recommend to you
To suggest or advise something for your benefit or approval.
Recommendation by
A suggestion or advice provided by someone or something.
Recommended with reservation
Suggesting or advising something with hesitation or doubt; not a wholehearted endorsement.
Recommending me
Suggesting or advising in favor of myself.
Recorded earlier
Refers to something that has been captured or documented before the present moment in time.
Recorded in writing
Documented or transcribed using written symbols or characters.
Rectify the problem
To correct or remedy the issue or difficulty.
Redundant question
A question that is unnecessary, superfluous, or repeats information already known or implied.
Reeks of desperation
Gives a strong impression or indication of extreme despair or hopelessness.
Refer out to
To direct or send someone or something to a particular person, place, or resource for further information, action, or consideration.
Refer to drawing
Instructing or directing someone to look at a specific illustration or diagram.
Referenced as
Mentioning or alluding to something as a point of reference or support.
Referred out for
The action of directing someone or something to an external source or authority for further consideration, attention, or action.
Referred to
Directed to someone or something for information, help, or action.
Referred you
To direct someone's attention to a particular person or source for information or assistance.
Referring to
Directing attention or mentioning something in speech or writing.
Reflect back
To think deeply or carefully about something and consider it from different perspectives; to contemplate or ponder.
Reflect into
To contemplate or think deeply about something; to consider or ponder upon a subject or matter.
Reflected back to you
The return of light, sound, or heat back to the person or source from which it originated.
Reflecting about
Engaging in thoughtful consideration or contemplation about something.
Refrain from using
To abstain or avoid the utilization of something.
Refresh your memory
To review or remind oneself of information that one has previously learned or known.
Regarding as
Considering or thinking of something in a particular way; regarding as means to view or treat something in a specific manner.
Regarding the matter
Concerning or in reference to the subject or issue at hand.
Regarding the question
Concerning or with respect to the question; in reference to the question.
Regarding this matter
Concerning or with respect to this particular issue or subject.
Regarding your question
Expressing or providing information or answers about the specific inquiry or query you have raised.
Regarding your question about
Expressing concern or consideration in relation to the inquiry or topic you mentioned.
Registration is completed
The process of officially recording or enrolling for a particular activity or status has been finished or achieved.
Registration is now closed
The process of signing up or enrolling in a particular event or system is no longer available.
Registration will be open soon
The process of officially signing up or enrolling for a particular activity, in this case, it implies that the registration for something will become available in the near future.
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