Phrases List

Object of criticism
Something or someone that is the target or focus of criticism or disapproval.
Objective condition
A state or situation that is based on facts and reality, without being influenced by personal feelings or opinions.
Objectively speaking
Expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations.
Obsolete information
Information that is no longer relevant or in use; outdated or outmoded information.
Obtain knowledge
To acquire or gain information, facts, or skills through study, experience, or learning.
Obviously not
Clearly or evidently not
Occur in nature
To happen or take place in the natural world, without human intervention.
Oddly named
Having a name that is unusual or peculiar in a way that stands out.
Of a different type
Indicating something that is distinct or dissimilar in nature or kind.
Of a fixed environment
Pertaining to a stable or unchanging surroundings or conditions.
Of a personal nature
Relating to an individual's private affairs, feelings, or attributes rather than to matters connected with one's public or professional life.
Of brief duration
Lasting for a short period of time; not prolonged.
Of comparable size
Having a size that can be likened or compared; similar in size.
Of course
Certainly; definitely.
Of course I am
Expressing confirmation or affirmation, indicating that the speaker agrees or is in accordance with what has been stated or implied.
Of course I do
Expressing agreement, affirmation, or acknowledgment, often used to emphasize certainty or confidence in one's statement.
Of course anytime
Expressing agreement, affirmation, or willingness at any time.
Of course it does
Expressing certainty or agreement; indicating that something is expected or obvious.
Of course no problem
Expressing agreement or affirmation that there is no issue or difficulty.
Of course you are
Expressing agreement, affirmation, or acknowledgment; indicating that something is expected or obvious.
Of course you did
An expression used to acknowledge that something was expected or obvious, often with a hint of sarcasm or irony.
Of divine beauty
Having the qualities or characteristics of beauty that are considered divine or exceptionally pleasing.
Of each of them
Indicating the presence or involvement of every individual or thing in a specified group.
Of great importance to
Of significant significance or relevance to something.
Of interest to me
Something that captures my attention or is relevant to my preferences or concerns.
Of its contents
Indicating possession or association with the content of something.
Of lesser importance
Indicating that something has a lower degree of significance or priority.
Of notable mention
Deserving to be mentioned or noticed; noteworthy.
Of significant importance
Having notable or considerable significance; being of great importance or consequence.
Of similar nature
Sharing common characteristics or qualities; possessing similarities in nature.
Of the highest character
Possessing the best qualities of moral and ethical nature, exhibiting exemplary behavior and integrity.
Of these items
Referring to a specific set of things or objects, often used to indicate a selection or group within a larger context.
Of this caliber
Referring to the quality or standard of something, often used to express excellence or high standards.
Of this type
Indicating a specific category or kind.
Of varied sizes
Having different dimensions or measurements; characterized by a range of sizes.
Of varying sizes
Indicating a range of different dimensions or measurements.
Of which
Used to introduce a clause that provides additional information about the antecedent, especially one that is more specific.
Of which three
Indicating a selection or group of three items out of a larger set.
Of which two
This phrase is used to specify a subset of a larger group or quantity, indicating that there are two elements or parts among the mentioned set.
Of your choosing
Allowing you to select or decide according to your preference or desire.
Off to a good start
Beginning or commencing in a positive and favorable manner.
Off to a rough start
Experiencing difficulties or challenges at the beginning of a task, process, or endeavor.
Off to new adventures
Starting or embarking on exciting and novel experiences or journeys.
Offer on the table
A proposal or opportunity that is currently available for consideration or acceptance.
Offer still stands
An expression indicating that a previous offer or proposition remains available or valid.
Offer you a deal
Present the opportunity for an agreement or transaction, usually involving a proposal or arrangement with favorable terms for the person receiving the offer.
Offered support
Providing assistance or help to someone in a supportive manner.
Offering a deal
Presenting or proposing an arrangement or agreement, usually involving some form of exchange or transaction.
Office is closed
The place of business or employment is not open or operating.
Office was closed
The workplace or premises were not open for business or regular operations.
Officially done
Completed or finished in an authorized or formal manner.
Oh nice
Expressing approval or admiration for something pleasant or enjoyable.
Ok as well
Expressing agreement or acceptance; satisfactory or acceptable.
Ok done
Expressing agreement or acknowledgment that something has been completed or accomplished.
Ok for tomorrow
Expressing approval or agreement for a future time or date.
Ok noted
An acknowledgment or confirmation that something has been received or understood.
Ominous darkness
A foreboding or threatening darkness, often associated with a sense of danger or impending doom.
Ominous mood
A feeling or atmosphere that suggests something bad or unpleasant is about to happen.
On Monday morning
Indicating a specific day of the week (Monday) and time (morning).
On Monday next week
Refers to the upcoming Monday in the following week.
On Thursday evenings
During the evenings of Thursdays, referring to a specific time or schedule on Thursdays.
On Tuesday
Referring to the day following the present one, specifically Tuesday.
On Tuesday next week
Referring to the specific day of the week following the current one, indicating an event or activity scheduled for that time.
On Wednesday night
Referring to the time or events happening during the night of Wednesday.
On a bad note
Ending or concluding in a negative or unfavorable manner.
On a bigger platform
Referring to a larger or more prominent stage or environment for showcasing or presenting something.
On a bigger scale
Referring to a larger or more extensive scope or level.
On a biweekly basis
Occurring or produced every two weeks or twice a week.
On a brighter note
Expressing or highlighting a more positive or optimistic aspect or perspective.
On a different plane
Existing or occurring on a level or in a way that is completely different from something else.
On a different topic
Referring to discussing or addressing a subject that is distinct or unrelated to the current one.
On a down note
In a negative or depressing manner; with a pessimistic or discouraging tone.
On a larger platform
Referring to a broader or more extensive stage or context, often used metaphorically to describe reaching a wider audience or having a greater impact.
On a larger scale
Involving a broader or more extensive scope or range.
On a light note
In a manner that is cheerful, humorous, or not serious; approaching a topic with a lighthearted or positive attitude.
On a personal front
In terms of personal matters or individual experiences.
On a predetermined schedule
Planned or arranged in advance on a set timetable or agenda.
On a recurring basis
Happening or appearing at regular intervals; regularly.
On a related note
Used to introduce a related or connected topic or point in a conversation or discussion.
On a rolling basis
Occurring or progressing in a continuous, regular, and ongoing manner, often without a specific endpoint or deadline.
On a rota basis
A system where tasks or responsibilities are assigned to individuals in a scheduled or rotational manner.
On a separate note
Used to introduce a different topic or shift the discussion to a new subject.
On a serious note
Used to indicate that the following statement or topic is to be regarded with seriousness or sincerity.
On a short timeline
Indicating a limited or brief period for completing a task or achieving a goal.
On a societal scale
Referring to or involving society as a whole; on a large or widespread level.
On a tight timeline
Having a limited amount of time to complete a task or achieve a goal, requiring efficient and prompt action.
On a timely basis
In a punctual or timely manner; regularly and according to a schedule.
On all fronts
Addressing every aspect or detail; in every way or area.
On all platforms
Applicable or available across various types of digital or physical platforms, often used in the context of software, services, or content being accessible on different devices or mediums.
On an occasion
Indicating a specific instance or occurrence of an event.
On an unrelated note
Introducing a remark or topic that is not connected or relevant to the current subject of discussion.
On an urgent basis
With immediate priority or urgency; quickly and without delay.
On another plane
Existing or occurring in a different dimension or level of reality.
On another subject
Indicating a shift or change to a different topic or issue in conversation or discussion.
On any side
Indicating a lack of restriction to a particular side or perspective; applicable or relevant to all sides or options.
On board the bus
Physically present or traveling on a bus.
On both accounts
In relation to both aspects or points being discussed or considered.
On both counts
Referring to two separate allegations or charges, both of which are considered true or valid.
On both days
Referring to or involving two specific days in a given context.
On busier days
Referring to days that are more active or have a higher level of activity compared to other days.
1 to 100 of 321 Phrases