Phrases List

Sad to see you leave
Expressing sorrow or regret at the departure of someone.
Sadistic grin
A cruel and pleasure-seeking expression characterized by enjoying the suffering or pain of others.
Sadly no
Expressing regret or disappointment in response to a negative statement or situation.
Sadly so
Expressing regret or disappointment in a manner that emphasizes the current state or situation.
Sadly yes
Expressing a feeling of sorrow or regret, acknowledging agreement or affirmation in a somewhat melancholic manner.
Safe to say
It is reasonable or acceptable to assume or conclude
Safe travels
A wish for a person to have a secure and uneventful journey.
Safely arrived
Having reached a destination or completed a journey without harm or danger.
Safety ensured
The state of being protected from harm or danger, with measures in place to guarantee security and well-being.
Said data
A reference to the data that has been mentioned or specified previously.
Said otherwise
Expressing a contrasting statement or viewpoint; indicating that something would be different if stated differently.
Said person
Referring to the individual previously mentioned or specified.
Said plan
A specific proposal or course of action communicated by someone.
Said the same thing
Expressing that someone has mentioned or communicated identical or similar information.
Said work
Referring to a specific piece or pieces of work that have been mentioned or discussed previously in a conversation or text.
Sail off into the sunset
To embark on a journey, often metaphorical, towards a happy, tranquil, or blissful future; typically used to describe a positive and fulfilling conclusion or departure.
Sake of good order
For the purpose of maintaining proper organization or discipline; to ensure things are in good order.
Sale has ended
The period during which a discounted or promotional event for the sale of products or services has concluded or expired.
Same as
Indicating identity or similarity in nature, character, or quality.
Same as above
Indicating that the statement or information is identical or similar to what was mentioned earlier in the text or conversation.
Same as always
Indicating no change from the usual or typical state or condition; remaining consistent or constant over time.
Same as picture
Indicating that the described item or situation is identical to what is shown in the image.
Same as usual
Having the usual or typical characteristics; not different or special.
Sat happily
The act of being in a seated position with a content or joyful state of mind.
Satisfied smile
A content and happy expression on one's face.
Save on costs
A strategy or action to reduce or minimize expenses or expenditures.
Saving that
Introducing a clause that provides additional information or an exception to what was just stated.
Saving the best till last
The act of reserving or keeping the most impressive or enjoyable things for the end, often as a deliberate strategy to create a memorable conclusion.
Say cheers to life
Expressing good wishes or positive sentiments for the continuation and enjoyment of life.
Say it back
A request or instruction for someone to repeat what has been said.
Say with confidence
Expressing oneself with certainty and assurance, without hesitation or doubt.
Saying that
Expressing something verbally or in writing.
Saying that the
Expressing something through words; making a statement or declaration that relates to the following content or context.
Says otherwise
Indicates a statement or information that contradicts or opposes what has been previously mentioned or assumed.
Scaled items
Items that have been adjusted or proportionally changed in size or magnitude according to a specific scale or measurement.
Scaled to size
Adjusted or proportioned to a particular size or scale.
Scared as hell
Extremely frightened or terrified.
Scattered on the floor
Spread or thrown about irregularly; disordered.
Schedule for tomorrow
A plan or timetable for events or activities set to take place on the following day.
Schedule is feasible
The timetable or plan is practical and able to be accomplished within a reasonable timeframe.
Schedule is free
Indicates that the timetable or plan is not occupied or booked, allowing flexibility or availability.
Schedule it for
To plan or arrange an event or task for a specific time or date.
Schedule oriented
Having a focus or alignment with a predetermined plan or timetable.
Schedule wise
In a manner related to or based on a predetermined plan or timetable.
Scheduled a meeting
Having arranged or planned a meeting for a specific date and time.
Scheduled accordingly
Arranged or planned in a way that fits with a particular schedule or timing.
Scheduled for release
Planned or arranged for public distribution or availability at a particular time.
Scheduled tentatively for
Indicating that something is planned or arranged with flexibility, subject to change or confirmation.
Schedules clash
A situation where two or more planned events or activities occur at the same time, creating a conflict or overlap in timing.
Scheduling wise
In a manner related to scheduling or time management.
Scientifically sound
Supported by or in accordance with established scientific principles; valid or reliable based on scientific evidence.
Scope and breadth
The range and extent of something, encompassing a wide variety or a comprehensive area.
Scope down
To reduce or narrow the range, extent, or coverage of something, often to focus on specific aspects or details.
Scored high
Achieved a high score or performance level, indicating success or proficiency in a particular activity or test.
Scores of people
A large number or a great many people.
Scourge on society
A source of widespread suffering or harm to society; something that causes great trouble or suffering on a societal level.
Scream for joy
To shout or express one's happiness or excitement loudly and enthusiastically.
Scream of joy
A loud and enthusiastic expression of happiness or delight.
Scream with joy
To express intense happiness or excitement loudly and energetically.
Scroll past the
To quickly move through or overlook the content displayed on a digital screen, typically by using a scrolling action, without paying much attention to it.
Sealed shut
Completely closed and securely fastened.
Seamless as possible
Refers to a process or transition that is conducted smoothly and efficiently, without any noticeable interruptions or inconsistencies.
Seamless process
A process characterized by smooth and efficient progression without interruptions or difficulties.
Searched for
The act of looking for or seeking something, typically involving investigation or exploration to find a specific item or information.
Searching again
The act of looking for something once more, possibly after an initial attempt was unsuccessful.
Second pair of eyes
An additional person looking at or reviewing something to provide a fresh perspective or to identify errors or issues.
Second set of eyes
An additional person or party to review or evaluate something, often to provide a fresh perspective or identify potential issues.
Second time in a row
Occurring or succeeding for the second consecutive instance or occurrence.
Secured to
Fastened or fixed firmly in place, attached to a stable support or base.
Securely closed
Tightly and safely shut or fastened.
See above
A commonly used phrase indicating that the information or answer can be found in the text or content mentioned earlier in the discussion.
See details in
This phrase is used to indicate that more information or specific information can be found in a particular location or source. It suggests that additional details are available elsewhere.
See how he does
To observe and evaluate someone's actions or performance.
See how it behaves
Observe and assess the actions or conduct of something to understand its behavior.
See no difference
Expressing the inability to perceive any distinction or dissimilarity between two or more things.
See the result
To view or observe the outcome or consequence of a particular situation or action.
See what happened
An expression used to suggest looking into or understanding a past event or situation to gain knowledge or insight.
See you all soon
Used to express the hope or expectation of meeting or seeing someone again in the near future.
See you both
A friendly expression used when parting from two people, indicating a desire to meet them again in the future.
See you guys
An informal way of saying goodbye to a group of people, expressing the intention to meet or see each other again.
See you in class
A friendly farewell expression indicating the expectation of meeting again in a classroom or educational setting.
See you next month
A common expression used to indicate that you will meet or encounter someone in the upcoming month.
See you on January
An expression used to convey the intention or expectation of meeting someone in person during the month of January.
See you soon again
An expression used to indicate a hope or expectation of meeting or seeing someone in the near future.
See you sooner
An informal way of expressing the hope or expectation of meeting someone in the near future.
See you this afternoon
An expression used to bid farewell with the intention of meeting or seeing the person again later in the same day.
See you today
An expression used to bid farewell to someone with the intention of meeting them again on the same day.
Seeing the result
Observing or witnessing the outcome or conclusion of a particular situation or event.
Seeing you guys
The act of visually perceiving or observing a group of individuals (informal term for friends or acquaintances).
Seek a way
Attempt to find a method or path to achieve a particular goal or objective.
Seek collaboration with
To actively look for and engage in cooperation or partnership with others.
Seek for freedom
To actively pursue or strive for the state of being free or liberated.
Seek growth
To actively pursue and strive for expansion, improvement, or development.
Seek legal advice
To request guidance or recommendations regarding legal matters from a qualified professional.
Seeking admission
The act of applying for entry or acceptance into a place, organization, or program, often involving meeting specific criteria or requirements.
Segment of time
A distinct portion or interval of time.
Seldom smiles
Rarely expresses happiness or joy through a facial expression of smiling.
Select a choice
To choose or pick from a set of options or alternatives.
Selected locations only
Specific places or areas that have been chosen or designated, excluding others.
Self clarification
The act or process of explaining or making clear one's own thoughts, feelings, or understanding to oneself or others.
1 to 100 of 792 Phrases