Phrases List

Each of the following
Used to refer to each individual or item in a specified list or group.
Each of which
Used to refer to each one of a particular group of things, with each thing having the quality or feature specified.
Each of whom
Referring to every person in a group, specifically used to indicate individual members within a larger group.
Each one individually
Referring to each item or person separately and distinctively, without grouping them together.
Eager learner
A person who is enthusiastic and keen to acquire knowledge or skills.
Eagerly accept
To willingly and enthusiastically agree to or take on something.
Eagerly interested
Showing a strong desire or enthusiasm for something; keenly interested.
Eagerness to help
A state of being enthusiastic or eager to provide assistance or support to others.
Eagerness to work
A strong and enthusiastic desire or willingness to engage in work or activities.
Earlier example
A previous instance or case used as an illustration or reference in the current context.
Earlier in the day
Refers to a specific time earlier during the day, suggesting an occurrence or action that happened at a prior point in the day.
Earlier in the evening
Refers to a specific time that occurred before the current time during the evening hours.
Earlier in the week
Referring to a time that occurred prior to the present moment within the current week.
Earlier mentioned
Refers to something that was previously stated or brought up in the conversation or text.
Earlier next week
Referring to a time point in the upcoming week that is before other specified times.
Earlier on today
Referring to a time earlier in the present day; earlier today.
Earlier that day
Referring to a specific time earlier on the same day.
Earlier this evening
During a time preceding the present evening; at a time earlier than the current moment in the evening.
Earlier this morning
Referring to a time before the current moment during the morning hours of the day.
Earlier tomorrow
A time that is prior to the upcoming day, suggesting a time earlier than the current reference to tomorrow.
Early birthday present
A gift given to someone before their actual birthday as a gesture of celebration or goodwill.
Early hours of today
The period of time in the morning, specifically referring to the initial hours of the current day.
Early in the morning
During the initial hours of the day, typically before noon.
Early tomorrow morning
Referring to the period of time in the morning that is occurring or will occur soon after midnight and before noon.
Earned a place
To have acquired or deserved a position or recognition through one's actions or achievements.
Earned the right
To have acquired the privilege or entitlement through effort, achievement, or qualification.
Earnest request
A sincere and serious plea or appeal for something.
Ease of accessibility
The degree to which something can be easily reached, entered, used, or obtained.
Ease of implementation
The degree of simplicity or difficulty involved in implementing or carrying out a particular task or process.
Ease the transition
To make a change or move from one state, condition, or situation to another more comfortable or smoother.
Easier to bear
More manageable or less difficult to endure or tolerate.
Easier to find
Suggesting that something is less challenging or requires less effort to locate or discover.
Easily accessed
Refers to something that can be easily reached, obtained, or entered.
Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli
Prone to being diverted or losing focus due to irrelevant or external stimuli.
Easily enough
With sufficient ease or without much difficulty.
Easily readable
Capable of being read with ease; easily understandable or legible.
Easily searchable
Capable of being easily found or located, typically through the use of a search mechanism or method.
Easily trained
Capable of being taught or instructed with ease; quick to learn.
Easy enough
Indicating that something is simple or manageable; not difficult to accomplish.
Easy notice
A notice or alert that is simple or straightforward to understand or perceive.
Easy to follow
Simple or straightforward to understand and adhere to.
Easy to miss
Something that is not easily noticed or seen, often overlooked or disregarded.
Eat the cost
To accept the financial burden or expense, especially when faced with unavoidable circumstances.
Echo your sentiment
Express your feelings or opinions openly and sincerely.
Eclectic choice
A diverse and varied selection made from different sources or styles, showing a broad range of tastes and preferences.
Edging towards
Moving gradually or hesitantly in the direction of something.
Educate on something
To provide information, instruction, or knowledge about a particular subject or topic.
Educational prowess
Exceptional skill or ability in the field of education, indicating a high level of proficiency and accomplishment in academic pursuits.
Educational pursuits
Activities or endeavors related to gaining knowledge, skills, and education.
Educationally enriching
Providing valuable knowledge and enhancing learning experiences.
Effective as of
Having the intended or expected result starting from a specified date.
Effort was made
An attempt or exertion was put forth to accomplish something.
Effortlessly beautiful
Possessing natural beauty or charm without any visible effort or struggle.
Efforts are made
Actions or endeavors are put forth to achieve a particular result or goal.
Eight persons
A group of eight individuals or people.
Either one works
Indicates that either of the options presented is acceptable or functional.
Either today or tomorrow
Indicating a choice between two specific time options, referring to the option of either today or tomorrow.
Either works
Refers to the idea that both options or choices are acceptable or suitable.
Either you are
Expressing a choice between two alternatives or possibilities, suggesting a decision or preference between different options.
Elaborate feast
A detailed and well-planned meal or banquet, often with a variety of dishes and elaborate preparations.
Elaborate more on
To provide additional details or information about a specific topic or subject.
Elaborate processes
Detailed and carefully worked out processes that involve a lot of complexity and thoroughness.
Elevated version
An improved or upgraded form or version that is at a higher level or standard.
Email it over
A request or instruction to send something via email, typically referring to the action of transmitting a document, file, or information electronically over email.
Email trail
A series of related email messages, typically organized in chronological order, that provides a record or history of communication on a particular topic or between specific individuals.
Emanates light
Gives off or emits light; produces light in a gradual and continuous manner.
Emanating love
Giving off or radiating love; expressing love in a way that is evident or perceptible.
Embark on a new journey
To start a new and exciting adventure or experience.
Embark on new year
To start or undertake the new year, often with a sense of excitement or anticipation.
Embark on your journey
To begin or start a voyage or adventure, especially with a sense of purpose or excitement.
Embarking on a journey
Starting a journey or undertaking a new and exciting venture.
Embarking on a new journey
Starting or initiating a new experience or undertaking, often with enthusiasm or determination.
Embrace yourself
To accept or support oneself, often in the face of challenges or difficulties; to show self-compassion and self-acceptance.
Emerging evidence
Evidence that is coming to light or becoming known, indicating a growing or developing body of proof or support.
Emotions ran high
Intense or heightened emotions were experienced.
Emphatically yes
Expressing something forcibly and clearly; in a way that leaves no doubt.
Employ strategy
The act of using a plan or method to achieve a particular purpose or goal in the context of employment or business.
Employees on the ground
Refers to the workforce or personnel physically present at a specific location or site.
Empty symbolism
Symbolic actions or gestures that lack genuine meaning or significance; gestures that are superficial and without substance.
Enabled me to
Empowered or provided the capability for me to accomplish something.
Enclosed with this letter
Included or attached with the document or message that is being sent.
Enclosed you will find
Used in formal writing to indicate that something is included with a letter or package.
Encounter a problem
To face or experience a difficulty or issue that needs to be addressed or resolved.
Encouraged him to
To provide support, inspiration, or motivation to someone to undertake or accomplish a task or goal.
End of the match
The conclusion or finish of a sports competition or game.
Endearing habit
A charming or lovable behavior or practice
Endeavors of life
The efforts or activities one engages in throughout their life, typically referring to ambitious or purposeful actions.
Ended date
The date on which something comes to an end or is concluded.
Ending on a good note
Concluding in a positive or satisfactory manner, often used to describe the conclusion of an event or situation on a positive or optimistic tone.
Ending time
The point in time when something concludes or comes to an end.
Endless support
Continuous and unlimited assistance or encouragement provided to someone or something.
Engage in combat
Participate in a fight or conflict, especially armed combat.
Engaged in activities
Involved or participating in various actions or pursuits.
Engaging day
A day that is interesting, captivating, or involving active participation and enjoyment.
Engaging me in
Involving or involving me in a particular activity or conversation.
Enhance process
Improve or make the process more effective.
Enjoy each other's company
To take pleasure in spending time together, appreciating each other's presence and companionship.
Enjoy immensely
To take great pleasure or delight in something to an extreme degree.
Enjoy it to the fullest
Encouraging someone to savor and make the most of a particular experience or moment.
Enjoy springtime
Take pleasure in the season of spring, appreciating the blooming flowers, mild weather, and overall renewal of nature.
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