Phrases List

Vacations are over
The period of holidays or time away from work has come to an end.
Valid question
A question that is reasonable, sound, and conforms to acceptable standards of logic or fact.
Valuable moment
A moment that is precious, significant, or holds great worth or importance.
Valuable price
A price that is considered significant or worth a lot in terms of its value or usefulness.
Value higher than
Indicating a numerical quantity or measure exceeding a specified amount.
Value your opinion
Expressing the importance of considering and respecting someone's viewpoint or belief.
Valued at cost
An accounting method where assets are recorded at their original cost, without adjustments for changes in market value.
Valued feedback
Feedback that is highly regarded or considered important and valuable.
Varies from person to person
Indicates that something is not consistent or constant and can differ among individuals.
Varieties of people
Different types or kinds of individuals.
Vary from person to person
Indicating that something can differ or change among different individuals.
Vary in sizes
Refers to the existence of different sizes within a particular set or group, indicating a range or variety in size options.
Vary in time
To change or fluctuate over a period or interval.
Varying in size
Having different sizes or dimensions; not uniform in size.
Vast variety
A wide range or assortment of different things or elements.
Veers off topic
Deviates from the main subject or focus of discussion.
Verbal approval
An expressed agreement or permission through spoken words.
Verbalizes understanding
Expressing comprehension or acknowledgment through spoken words.
Verbally agreed
Having reached an agreement or consensus through spoken words rather than in writing.
Verbally approved
An action or request that has been formally or officially accepted or agreed upon through spoken words.
Verbally confirmed
Confirmed through spoken or oral communication.
Verify its accuracy
To confirm or establish the correctness or precision of something.
Very appreciative
Expressing or feeling gratitude; thankful.
Very close to each other
In close proximity or nearness to one another, indicating a short distance between objects or individuals.
Very exciting
Causing great enthusiasm and eagerness; thrilling or exhilarating.
Very expensive
Costing a lot of money; having a high price.
Very honored
Expressing a high level of respect or esteem for someone or something; feeling a deep sense of pride and privilege.
Very importantly
Indicating great significance or importance; with considerable emphasis or relevance.
Very inspired
Feeling strongly motivated or influenced to do something creative or enthusiastic.
Very keen on the idea
Having a strong or enthusiastic interest in the concept or proposal.
Very much appreciate
Express a warm or favorable judgment or opinion about; value highly.
Very much deserved
Having earned or merited something to a high degree, often used to express that a reward or recognition is well-earned.
Very much excited
Feeling or showing great enthusiasm, eagerness, or excitement.
Very much missed
Feeling a strong sense of absence or longing for someone or something that is not present.
Very much needed
Essential or required to a high degree; necessary to a great extent.
Very odd
Unusual or strange in a way that attracts attention or is difficult to understand.
Very patiently
Showing the quality of being patient, which is the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset.
Very possibly
Indicating a high likelihood or probability, suggesting a strong possibility or likelihood.
Very relatable
Having qualities or characteristics that are easy to relate to; evoking a sense of familiarity or understanding.
Very sadly
In a manner that expresses deep sorrow or regret.
Very soon
In the near future; not long from now.
Very tempted
Having a strong desire or inclination to do something.
Very thoughtful
Showing consideration and attention to the needs, feelings, or well-being of others; considerate.
Very touching
Evoking strong emotions, often of sympathy or compassion, due to its emotional impact or significance.
Very well appreciated
To be highly valued or recognized with gratitude for one's actions or qualities.
Very well deserved
Used to express that someone or something has earned or is worthy of the recognition or reward they are receiving.
Very well done
Used to express admiration or approval for a job or task that has been completed skillfully or excellently.
Very well put
Expressing approval or agreement with a statement or idea, indicating that something has been articulated or expressed in a particularly effective or apt manner.
Very well then
Expressing agreement or acceptance with a situation or decision.
Very well written
Indicating that something is crafted or composed in an excellent and skillful manner, often referring to written or artistic works.
Vet through
To carefully examine or evaluate something, typically to assess its suitability or quality.
Via email
By means of electronic mail.
Via phone call
Referring to communication or contact through a telephone conversation.
Via private message
A method of communication where information is sent privately between individuals using a messaging system.
Victory in sight
The prospect or likelihood of achieving success or winning, with the goal or objective within reach.
Vie for position
To compete or contend for a particular position or status, often in a competitive or ambitious manner.
Vie for power
To compete or contend for authority or control.
View critically
To examine or analyze something carefully and with a discerning eye to understand its true nature or significance.
Violating me
Infringing or transgressing against my rights or personal boundaries.
Visit our website
An invitation or directive to go to and explore the content of a particular website.
Visited me
Someone came to see me or spent time with me.
Vital concern
An important or essential matter that requires attention or consideration.
Vital member
An essential or important part of a group or system.
Vye for attention
To compete or strive for notice or recognition, often in a competitive or assertive manner.
Vying for power
Competing or contending for authority or control, often in a competitive or ambitious manner.
Vying for your attention
Competing or contending for your focus or notice.