Phrases List

Keen ability
A strong and sharp capacity or skill, demonstrating enthusiasm and eagerness in performing tasks or activities.
Keen attention
The state of being intensely focused, observant, and perceptive, demonstrating a high level of interest or concentration.
Keen idea
An enthusiastic and thoughtful concept or notion.
Keen learner
Someone who is eager and enthusiastic about acquiring knowledge or skills.
Keen on details
Having a strong interest or enthusiasm for paying close attention to small, specific elements or particulars.
Keen sense of humour
A sharp and perceptive ability to understand, appreciate, and create humor.
Keep contact
To maintain communication or connection with someone.
Keep continuing
To persist or carry on without interruption or cessation.
Keep each other
To maintain a mutual or reciprocal relationship with one another.
Keep each other company
To spend time together in a way that prevents loneliness or boredom, providing mutual companionship and support.
Keep him in your prayers
A request for positive thoughts or blessings for someone's well-being or recovery, often in a religious or spiritual context.
Keep in charge
To retain control or authority over a situation or group of people.
Keep in touch
To maintain communication or contact with someone over a period of time, ensuring that the connection remains active or ongoing.
Keep it as is
Maintain the current state or condition without making any changes.
Keep it coming
A colloquial expression encouraging someone to continue providing or doing something that is enjoyable or satisfying.
Keep it realistic
Advising or encouraging someone to maintain a practical and achievable perspective or expectation.
Keep me honest
To ensure that someone remains truthful, fair, or accountable in their actions or statements.
Keep me updated
A request to receive the latest information or updates on a particular subject or situation.
Keep on changing
To continue or persist in making alterations or modifications.
Keep on grinding
To persistently work hard or persevere in one's efforts to achieve a goal.
Keep on record
To maintain a record or documentation of something for future reference or use.
Keep on time
To consistently adhere to a schedule or maintain punctuality.
Keep on trekking
To continue persistently and with determination in a challenging or arduous journey or activity.
Keep ready
To maintain something in a state of preparedness or readiness, ready for use or action.
Keep rocking
A colloquial expression encouraging someone to continue doing well or enjoying success.
Keep supporting
To continue providing assistance, encouragement, or backing to someone or something.
Keep the date
A request or reminder to remember and not forget a specific date, often related to an event or appointment.
Keep the tradition going
To continue or maintain a long-standing practice or custom.
Keep them coming
A request or encouragement to continue supplying or providing something, typically in a positive or enjoyable context.
Keep this momentum going
To continue or sustain the current rate or pace of progress, development, or success.
Keep thriving
To continue to grow, develop, or be successful in a strong and healthy way.
Keep under observation
To monitor or watch closely; to observe attentively for a specific purpose or duration.
Keep up with the pace
To maintain the same speed or rate of progress as others or as required.
Keep us updated
To provide the latest information or news about a particular situation or topic.
Keep well
A phrase commonly used as a friendly farewell, expressing a wish for someone to stay in good health and be well.
Keep you apprised
To keep someone informed or up-to-date about something, providing regular updates or information.
Keep you posted
To inform or update someone about the latest developments or news on a particular matter.
Keeping close to
Maintaining proximity or staying near to something or someone.
Keeps going on
Continues or persists over time without stopping.
Keeps me sane
Helps to maintain mental stability and prevent madness or insanity.
Kept me alive
Refers to someone or something that has maintained or preserved one's life, preventing death or harm.
Key takeaways
The most important points or lessons to be learned from a situation or experience.
Keystone species
A species on which other species in an ecosystem largely depend, such that if it were removed, the ecosystem would change drastically.
Kill the vibe
To ruin or diminish the positive and energetic atmosphere or mood in a social situation.
Kind gesture
A thoughtful and considerate action or behavior, often done to show goodwill or benevolence.
Kind reminder
A polite or gentle prompt or notification meant to bring something to someone's attention or memory in a considerate manner.
Kinda hard
Somewhat difficult or challenging.
Kindly disregard my email
A polite way of asking someone not to pay attention or take any action based on the content of the email.
Kindly enough
In a manner that is considerate, generous, or with goodwill.
Kindly reminder
A polite or considerate notification or prompt to remember or do something.
Kindly sir
A polite way of addressing or making a request to a man, expressing courtesy or respect.
Kindly visit
A polite expression urging someone to go or come to a particular place.
Knew the answer
To have information or awareness about the correct response or solution to a question or problem.
Know beforehand
To be aware or have information about something before it happens; to have advance knowledge or awareness.
Knowing beforehand
Having information or awareness about something before it actually happens or is revealed.
Knowing of
Having awareness or knowledge about something.
Knowing the fact
Having awareness or understanding of a particular piece of information or truth.
Knowing the fact that
Having awareness or knowledge of the fact that; being cognizant of a particular piece of information.
Knowledge in this field
Information and understanding in a particular area or subject.
Knowledgeable experience
Having information, understanding, or skill acquired through practical exposure or study.
Known commodity
Something or someone that is widely recognized and familiar, often referring to a product or person with established qualities or characteristics.
Known for sure
To have certain knowledge or assurance about something.
Known issue
A problem or concern that is recognized and acknowledged as existing or occurring.
Kudos to everyone
An expression of praise or approval given to someone for their achievements or actions.