Phrases List

Qualified time
A specific period or duration that meets the necessary requirements or standards.
Quantifiable evidence
Evidence that can be measured, counted, or expressed in numerical terms, providing a clear basis for evaluation or comparison.
Quarter of a billion dollars
An amount of money equal to one-fourth of a billion, where a billion is a thousand million, typically referring to 250 million dollars.
Queries relating to
Refers to questions or concerns related to a particular topic or subject.
Questions are welcome
An invitation or indication that inquiries or queries are encouraged and accepted.
Quick summary
A brief and concise overview or explanation of a topic or situation.
Quick turnaround
A fast and efficient process of completing a task or project within a short period of time.
Quick turnover
The speed at which something is replaced or replenished, typically in a business or economic context, such as the rate at which goods are sold and replaced with new stock.
Quickly and easily
In a fast and uncomplicated manner.
Quickly and efficiently
In a prompt and effective manner.
Quickly check
To rapidly examine or verify something.
Quickly checking
Performing a rapid examination or assessment.
Quickly understand
To comprehend or grasp something in a fast or efficient manner.
Quite a bit of time
A considerable amount or duration of time.
Quite a comedian
Someone who is very funny and skilled at making people laugh, often through jokes or humorous performances.
Quite a distance
A considerable or significant length or space between two points or locations.
Quite a distance away
Referring to a considerable distance or separation from a particular point or location.
Quite a feat
An impressive or remarkable accomplishment or achievement.
Quite a large
Indicating a significant or considerable size or extent.
Quite a relief
Expressing a feeling of comfort or reassurance; a state of being relieved or alleviated from stress or worry.
Quite an adventure
A significant and exciting experience or journey.
Quite an appetite
Having a substantial or considerable desire for food; expressing a significant hunger.
Quite an experience
A significant or noteworthy occurrence or event that was intense, memorable, or impactful.
Quite an impression
Creating a significant or notable impact or effect.
Quite fitting
Entirely appropriate or suitable; entirely fitting.
Quite fitting that
Entirely appropriate or suitable in a particular situation.
Quite funny
To a considerable extent; fairly amusing or entertaining.
Quite impressive
Very impressive; deserving admiration or praise.
Quite interested
Having a high level of interest or enthusiasm.
Quite interesting
Very interesting; fascinating; noteworthy.
Quite literal
Adhering strictly to the basic meaning of a word or text without embellishment or metaphor; being exactly what is indicated.
Quite nicely
In a manner that is fairly or reasonably pleasing or satisfying.
Quite peculiar
Very strange or unusual in a way that is interesting or amusing.
Quite possibly
Indicating a high likelihood or probability; very likely to be true or accurate.
Quite the conundrum
A difficult problem or question that is complex and puzzling, often requiring careful thought and analysis to solve.
Quite the opposite
Used to emphasize that something is completely different or the opposite of what has been stated.
Quite understanding
Having a good level of comprehension or empathy; being able to grasp or comprehend things easily.
Quite yet
Used to indicate that a particular situation or condition has not reached its expected or final state, but is expected to happen in the near future.