Phrases List

Jaw on the floor
An expression used to convey extreme surprise, shock, or astonishment, typically in response to something unexpected or unbelievable.
Jet off
To depart quickly, especially by air travel.
Job provision
The act or process of providing employment or work opportunities for individuals.
Join efforts
To collaborate or work together towards a common goal or objective.
Joining us today
The act of becoming a part of or participating with the group present on the current day.
Joins us today
A phrase commonly used to invite someone to join a group or activity on the current day.
Jolly spirit
A lively and cheerful attitude or state of mind, characterized by high spirits and good humor.
Joy and cheer
A feeling of great pleasure and happiness, combined with an expression of approval or good wishes.
Joyful times
Expressing or causing joy and happiness; happy moments or periods.
Joyous laughter
The sound of happy or gleeful chuckling or giggling, indicating amusement, happiness, or enjoyment.
Joyous time
A period characterized by happiness, celebration, or a sense of well-being.
Judicial power
The authority vested in courts and judges to interpret and apply the law, administer justice, and resolve legal disputes.
Jump in the shower
An informal expression suggesting someone should quickly enter the shower to clean themselves.
Jump off the ledge
To take a daring or risky action, often without careful consideration of the consequences.
Jump off the wall
To leap or spring away from a vertical surface, typically a wall, in a vigorous and dynamic manner.
Jump on a call
To participate in a phone conversation or conference call, often implying a quick or impromptu joining of the call.
Jumped into the river
The act of leaping or springing into a body of water, typically a natural stream of water, with a sudden and forceful motion.
Jumped over the fence
Physically leaped across a barrier or boundary made of vertical posts connected by horizontal supports.
Just a clarification
A statement made to clear up any confusion or misunderstanding, providing additional information or details for better understanding.
Just a few months ago
Referring to a recent past period that was only a small number of months before the present moment.
Just a kindly reminder
A polite or gentle notice or prompt meant to bring something to someone's attention in a considerate manner.
Just a quick reminder
A brief message that serves to prompt someone's memory about a particular topic or task.
Just a reminder
A message or communication that serves to jog one's memory or prompt recall of something previously learned or experienced.
Just a reminder for
A message or notification intended to help someone remember something, often emphasizing the importance of the information being conveyed.
Just a suggestion
A polite or mild expression of advice or idea presented for consideration or improvement.
Just as I remember
Indicating agreement with a past recollection or memory.
Just as a note
Used to introduce a comment, observation, or piece of information for consideration or clarification.
Just as a reminder
Used to bring a fact, event, or point to the attention of someone again, as it may have been forgotten or overlooked.
Just be careful
Advising someone to exercise caution or to be cautious in their actions to avoid potential harm or problems.
Just clarifying
Seeking to make a statement or situation less confused or more comprehensible by providing additional information or clarification.
Just coming
Currently arriving or in the process of arriving.
Just confirming that
Expressing the act of verifying or assuring something that has been mentioned or discussed.
Just connected
Recently established a connection or joined together.
Just created
Recently brought into existence or formed.
Just flowing
Moving or progressing smoothly and continuously, without interruptions or obstacles.
Just for curiosity
Done out of a desire to know or learn something, driven by curiosity.
Just for knowing
Done or used with the intention of acquiring knowledge or information.
Just for note
Used to indicate that a particular comment or observation is provided for the purpose of clarification or additional information.
Just for reference
Used to indicate that something is provided for information or as a point of comparison.
Just getting by
Managing to survive with minimal resources or effort, typically in difficult circumstances.
Just getting started
In the initial stages or early phase of something, indicating the beginning of an activity or process.
Just got off the phone
Recently finished a conversation on the telephone.
Just got out of shower
Recently finished bathing and left the shower.
Just got to work
Recently arrived at the workplace or started working.
Just in general
Referring to or concerning a broad, overall, or nonspecific aspect or concept without delving into specific details.
Just inform me
A request for someone to provide information or updates.
Just informing
Providing information or notifying someone about something.
Just like I said
Confirming that what was previously mentioned or predicted is true or accurate.
Just like yours
Having similar characteristics or qualities as something that belongs to or is associated with the person being addressed.
Just logged in
The action of entering a computer system or online platform by providing the necessary credentials, indicating the initiation of a user session.
Just making sure
Used to express the action of ensuring or confirming something to be true or correct.
Just my thought
Expressing an opinion or viewpoint that belongs to the speaker; a personal perspective or idea.
Just not yet
Indicating that something is not happening or will not happen at the present time, but may occur in the future.
Just noting
Indicating the action of making a brief written record or mention of something for reference or as a point of interest.
Just realizing
Becoming aware or conscious of something; understanding or recognizing something that was not clear before.
Just reminding
Gently bringing something to someone's attention again, often as a reminder or reinforcement of a previous message or information.
Just replace
To substitute or exchange something with another.
Just sharing
The act of providing or contributing information, opinions, or experiences with others in a communicative manner.
Just showed up
To arrive or appear suddenly or unexpectedly in a particular place or situation.
Just shy of
Very close to; almost reaching or achieving.
Just sitting there
Being in a relaxed or inactive state without any particular purpose or movement.
Just some of the ways
A phrase indicating a partial or limited list of various methods or approaches.
Just talked to
Recently engaged in conversation with.
Just to add that
Used to introduce additional information or remarks to what has already been stated.
Just to be clear
Used to emphasize that what is being said is said in order to avoid misunderstanding or ambiguity.
Just to briefly summarize
Expressing the intention to provide a concise overview or recap of information in a short and to-the-point manner.
Just to clarify that
Used to emphasize the intention of providing additional information or making something clearer.
Just to confirm
Used to verify or ensure the accuracy of information or details.
Just to double check
To verify or confirm something again in order to ensure accuracy or correctness.
Just to name a few
Used to suggest that the examples provided are only a small selection of a larger group or list.
Just to note
Used to emphasize that what is being mentioned is important or deserves attention.
Just to reiterate
To state or do again, often for emphasis or clarity.
Just to remind you that
Used to bring something to someone's attention again, often to ensure they haven't forgotten or overlooked it.
Just to spite you
Doing something with the intention of causing harm, annoyance, or frustration to someone else, often out of a sense of resentment or vindictiveness.
Just two days
A period of time consisting of only two days, commonly used to refer to a short duration.
Just updated
Recently revised or brought up to date.
Just wanted to show you
Expressing the desire or intention to display or present something to someone.
Just wanted to thank you
Expressing a desire to show gratitude or appreciation towards someone.
Just wanted to try
Expressing a desire or intention to attempt or experience something.
Just watched
Recently viewed or observed something.
Justice has prevailed
The concept that fairness and righteousness have triumphed or succeeded in a particular situation or legal matter.
Justice will prevail
The belief or hope that fairness and righteousness will ultimately triumph or succeed.
Justify time
To provide a valid or reasonable explanation or rationale for the allocation or use of time.
Juxtaposed against
Placed or dealt with close together for contrasting effect.