Phrases List

Wait for a call
To anticipate or remain in expectation of receiving a telephone call.
Wait for cue
To delay action or response until a signal or indication is given.
Wait for response
To stay in anticipation for a reply or reaction from someone.
Wait for the result
To remain in anticipation until the outcome or conclusion is revealed.
Waited for a long time
Spent a significant duration in anticipation or expectation.
Waited for so long
Having spent a considerable amount of time anticipating or expecting something to happen.
Waiting for a quotation
Expecting or anticipating the receipt of a formal statement specifying the price of a commodity or service.
Waiting for answer
The act of expecting or anticipating a response or solution to a question or problem.
Waiting for commands
Being in a state of readiness or anticipation for instructions or orders to be given.
Waiting for confirmation
The act of anticipating or expecting the verification or approval of something.
Waiting for dinner
The act of staying in anticipation of the evening meal.
Waiting for quotation
The act of expecting or anticipating a formal statement or document specifying the terms, conditions, or price of something.
Waiting for response
Anticipating or expecting a reply or reaction from someone.
Waiting for your command
Indicating a state of readiness or expectation for someone to give instructions or orders.
Waiting to be approved
In a state of anticipation or expectation for a decision or confirmation of acceptance, typically in formal or official contexts.
Waiting to confirm
In a state of anticipation for confirmation or verification, implying a delay until a definite answer or approval is received.
Waiting to take off
Being in a state of readiness for departure, especially in the context of an aircraft preparing for takeoff.
Waiting with anticipation
The act of eagerly looking forward to something with excitement or expectation.
Walk in the door
To enter a building or a room by passing through the entrance.
Walk off a cliff
To knowingly and willingly engage in a risky or dangerous situation without fully understanding the consequences.
Walked a lot
Engaging in the activity of moving on foot, covering a considerable distance.
Walked along the path
Moved on foot beside the designated route or trail.
Walked to the park
The act of moving on foot to reach a park, usually involving the physical activity of walking.
Walking towards
Moving forward or proceeding in the direction of a specified place or goal on foot.
Wallow in sorrow
To indulge excessively in sadness or self-pity; to be immersed in a state of deep sorrow or misery.
Wandering the streets
Moving aimlessly or without a fixed direction through the streets, possibly exploring or enjoying the surroundings.
Waning interest
A gradual decrease or decline in the level of interest or enthusiasm.
Want to find out whether
Expressing the desire to discover or determine the truth or existence of something.
Wanted not
Expressing a lack of desire or inclination for something.
Wanted to ask you something
Expressing a desire to inquire or request information from the person being addressed.
Wanted to hear
Expressing a desire or preference to receive a particular piece of information or statement.
Wanted to help
Expressing a desire or willingness to assist or support.
Wanted to make you aware
Expressing a desire to inform or notify someone about something.
Wanted to play
Expressing a desire or wish to engage in the activity of playing, typically a game or sport.
Wanted to show you something
Expressing a desire or intention to display or present something to someone.
Wanted to try
Expressing a desire or intention to attempt or experience something.
Wanton abandon
The reckless or unrestrained act of completely giving in to impulses or desires without any regard for consequences.
Warm and sunny
Describing weather that is comfortable and characterized by high temperatures and abundant sunlight.
Warm greetings
A cordial or friendly expression of good wishes.
Warm hospitality
A friendly and welcoming treatment of guests or visitors with kindness and generosity.
Warm message
A kind and affectionate communication or statement conveyed with sincerity and friendliness.
Warm welcoming
Having a friendly and hospitable reception or atmosphere.
Warm wishes
Expressing one's kind and positive regards or desires for someone's well-being or success.
Warmer than
Expressing a higher degree of warmth in comparison to something else.
Warmest gratitude
An expression of the highest level of thanks or appreciation, conveying a deep and heartfelt sense of gratitude.
Warmest greetings
An expression of the most sincere and heartfelt good wishes or regards.
Warmest heart
Expressing the highest degree of warmth, affection, or kindness; characterized by genuine and heartfelt emotions.
Warmest welcome
A heartfelt and enthusiastic greeting or reception, expressing a high degree of warmth and friendliness.
Warmest wishes for
Expressing the most sincere and heartfelt desires for someone's well-being or success.
Warmly welcomed
Received with warmth and friendliness; greeted in a hearty or hospitable manner.
Warmth and comfort
A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint, characterized by a pleasant degree of warmth.
Warmth smile
A friendly and affectionate expression characterized by a sense of warmth and friendliness conveyed through a smile.
Warrant a response
To deserve or justify a reply or reaction.
Was I playing
Questioning whether one was engaged in the act of playing, typically in a game or recreational activity.
Was I there
Questioning one's presence at a particular location or event.
Was added with
Denoting the action of including something additionally or introducing something as a new feature or component.
Was adjusted accordingly
Changed or modified in a manner that is suitable or appropriate to the circumstances or requirements.
Was appointed to the position
The act of officially assigning or designating someone to a particular role, job, or position.
Was awarded second place
Receiving acknowledgment or recognition for achieving the second position in a competition or contest.
Was changed
The action of making or becoming different; the process of altering or modifying something.
Was driven towards
Moving or being moved forcefully or in a specified direction.
Was edited from
This phrase indicates that something underwent a process of editing, where changes were made or content was modified from its original form.
Was featured in an article
Refers to being highlighted or presented in a written composition, typically in a publication or online platform.
Was filtered for
Indicates that a process or system screened or sifted something based on certain criteria or parameters.
Was highly encouraged
To receive strong support, approval, or motivation from someone or something, promoting a positive action or behavior.
Was in the range of
Indicating a specific value or values within a particular span or distance.
Was inadvertently omitted
Unintentionally left out or excluded from something.
Was issued out
This phrase indicates that something was officially provided or released to someone or something.
Was known as
Used to refer to someone or something by a particular name or title.
Was labelled as
Indicating that something or someone received a specific label or designation.
Was left bare
Without any covering or protection; exposed or naked.
Was measured for
The act of determining the dimensions, capacity, or quantity of something for a specific purpose or requirement.
Was newly set up
Recently established or organized.
Was not assessed
Not evaluated or appraised; not subject to a formal assessment or judgment.
Was originally posted
Refers to content or information that was initially published or uploaded on a platform or website.
Was perfectly sound
In good condition; free from defects or flaws.
Was pictured with
Captured in an image or portrayed together with someone or something in a photograph or painting.
Was produced to
This phrase indicates the purpose or intention behind the production of something.
Was pronounced deceased
Officially declared dead by a qualified medical professional.
Was quite understanding
Showing a tolerant and empathetic attitude towards others, being receptive and sympathetic to their feelings and perspectives.
Was ranked second
Indicating that something or someone achieved the position of being the second best or in the second position in a ranking or order.
Was recently held
Indicates that an event or activity took place not long ago.
Was referring to
Indicating that someone was mentioning or talking about something specific.
Was rendered moot
To make something irrelevant or unnecessary; to eliminate the practical significance of something.
Was respectful towards
Displaying politeness and consideration towards someone.
Was seeing
Perceiving someone or something through the sense of sight in the past.
Was sent along with
Indicates that something was dispatched or transmitted in addition to something else.
Was shared through
Indicates that information or content was distributed or communicated using a particular method or channel.
Was shipped from
The item or product was sent or transported from a particular location to another.
Was successfully done
Indicating that a task or action has been accomplished or completed with success.
Was supposed to happen
Something that was expected or intended to take place in the past but did not occur.
Was warmly greeted
Receiving a friendly and enthusiastic welcome or reception.
Wash down the drain
To allow something to flow away through a drain, typically referring to liquids or substances being disposed of by allowing them to go down a drain.
Watch for yourself
A recommendation or suggestion to observe or monitor something personally, rather than relying on the accounts or opinions of others.
Watch from a distance
Observe or monitor something from a far-off or remote location without actively participating or getting involved.
Watch in awe
To observe with a feeling of amazement or admiration.
Watched in awe
Observed with a feeling of deep respect, admiration, and wonder.
Watching on the sidelines
Observing a situation without directly participating in it; staying aloof or not getting involved in a particular activity or conflict.
Wave of thoughts
A series or influx of thoughts, often referring to a sudden and overwhelming flow of ideas or mental activity.
Wax nostalgic for
To feel a sentimental or nostalgic longing for something in the past, often with a desire to experience it again.
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