Phrases List

Made a new friend
To form a connection or bond with someone, creating a fresh relationship with an individual who was not previously known.
Made changes to
The act of modifying or altering something.
Made it again
Successfully achieved or accomplished something once more.
Made it happen
To cause something to occur or to bring about a particular result.
Made it on time
Successfully arrived or completed something punctually or within the specified time.
Made it safely
Successfully reached a destination or completed a journey without harm or danger.
Made me feel welcome
Creating a sense of hospitality and acceptance, causing someone to experience a feeling of being embraced or accepted in a particular environment or situation.
Made more sense
To be more logical, reasonable, or comprehensible.
Made no sense
Lacking logical meaning or coherence; not understandable or reasonable.
Made the mistake
Committed an error or error in judgment; did something incorrectly or wrongly.
Main focuses
The primary points or areas of concentration.
Main takeaways
The most important points or lessons to be learned from something.
Maintain order
To preserve or uphold a state of organized and controlled circumstances or situations.
Major merit
A significant and valuable quality or feature
Majority of the time
Most of the time; a phrase indicating a prevalence or occurrence during the greater part of a specified period.
Make a bet
To wager or risk something of value on the outcome of an event or a particular outcome.
Make a final call
To make a definitive decision or judgment after considering all relevant factors or options.
Make a lucky guess
To successfully guess something by chance or good fortune.
Make a preparation
To engage in activities or processes to get ready or organized for a particular event or situation.
Make a purchase
To buy something, typically a product or service, by paying for it.
Make a truce
To reach an agreement or ceasefire between opposing parties, typically to end a conflict or dispute.
Make a visit
To go to a place for a short period of time for a particular purpose.
Make any changes
To alter or modify something in any way.
Make any difference
To have an effect or impact; to result in a change or distinction.
Make good progress
To advance or improve in a positive and successful way.
Make it in time
To successfully arrive or complete something within a specified time period.
Make it on time
To arrive or complete something within the specified or expected time.
Make it shorter
A directive or suggestion to reduce the length or duration of something.
Make it worth
To ensure that something has sufficient value or merit to justify the effort or resources invested in it.
Make it worthwhile
To ensure that an action or effort is rewarding or beneficial.
Make me proud
To do something that brings a feeling of pride or satisfaction to oneself or someone else.
Make minor tweaks
To make small adjustments or changes to something in order to improve or enhance it slightly.
Make progress on
To advance or move forward in the development or improvement of something.
Make the best out of
To optimize or make the most advantageous use of a situation or opportunity.
Make updates
To implement changes or modifications to something, typically to improve or bring it up to date.
Make you mine
Expressing the desire or intention to establish a romantic or possessive relationship with someone, implying the wish to be in a committed and exclusive connection with them.
Make yourself available
To make oneself accessible or ready for use or participation.
Makes its way
Progresses or advances, typically through a process or journey.
Makes more sense
Indicates that something is more logical, reasonable, or understandable in comparison to other options or explanations.
Makes most sense
Suggests the idea of being the most reasonable or logical in a given context.
Makes the most sense
Refers to the action or decision that is most reasonable, logical, or practical in a given context.
Makes total sense
Logically or intuitively understandable; reasonable or sensible.
Making history happen
The act of causing significant events or developments in the past to occur or take place.
Making its way
Progressing or advancing, usually referring to something moving forward or making progress in a certain direction.
Making minor progress
Moving forward or advancing in a gradual and relatively small or insignificant way.
Making us proud
Causing a feeling of pride or satisfaction in oneself or others.
Man of honor
A person who is known for their integrity, honesty, and adherence to moral and ethical principles.
Man of manners
A person who behaves politely and with good manners, demonstrating courtesy and respect in social interactions.
Man on the ground
A person who is present at a location and has direct knowledge or experience of a situation.
Manifested into
Transformed into a tangible or visible form; made evident or apparent.
Manner of death
A term used in pathology and forensic medicine to describe the way by which a disease or injury leads to death. Common manners of death include natural causes, accident, homicide, and suicide.
Manning the booth
Being responsible for operating or managing a booth, often referring to a temporary structure or station used for a specific purpose.
Manning the post
The act of being responsible for or in charge of a particular position or duty, especially in a military or security context.
Manually adjusted
To make changes or corrections by hand, without the use of automated or mechanical processes.
Manually processed
Refers to a procedure or task that is carried out by hand, without the use of automated or mechanical tools.
Many blessings to all
Expressing good wishes or prayers for the well-being and prosperity of everyone.
Many blessings to you
An expression of good wishes or well-being towards someone.
Many changes
A variety of alterations or modifications; a state of being different from the previous state.
Many congrats
An informal expression of congratulations, short for "many congratulations.
Many fans
A group of individuals who are enthusiastic and supportive of a particular person, team, or thing.
Many more to come
Indicating that there are additional things or events expected to happen in the future.
Many of whom were
This phrase is often used to refer to a group of people, with the implication that a significant number of them possess a certain characteristic or have experienced a particular situation.
Many people say
This phrase is commonly used to introduce or preface a statement or opinion that is attributed to a significant number of individuals. It implies that there is a widespread belief or consensus among a considerable portion of the population.
Many people say that
Indicates that a considerable number of individuals express a particular statement or belief.
Many thanks and best regards
A polite expression of gratitude and good wishes used in correspondence.
Many thanks to you
Expressing gratitude or appreciation towards someone.
Many years to come
A period of time extending into the future, indicating a long-lasting or enduring duration.
Marginal difference
A small or insignificant distinction or variation between two things.
Mark a milestone for
To achieve or celebrate a significant event or achievement, often indicating progress or accomplishment.
Mark against
To make a negative note or assessment of something, indicating a criticism or disapproval.
Mark in red
To make a visible mark or notation using the color red, often used to emphasize or highlight information.
Mark it as done
To designate or indicate that a task or activity has been completed or finished.
Mark it on your calendar
To make a note or reminder for a future event on your calendar.
Mark the dates
To make note of or highlight specific dates for future reference or action.
Mark this date
A directive to make note of or remember the specified date, often implying its importance or significance.
Mark your calendars for
A reminder or notification to note a particular date or event on your calendar, indicating that it is important or significant.
Marked comments
Comments that have been highlighted or identified in some way, often for a specific purpose or reason.
Marked drowsiness
A noticeable state of sleepiness or drowsiness.
Marked in blue
Indicating that something has been highlighted or designated using the color blue.
Marked in red
Having been highlighted or identified with the color red.
Marked in yellow
Indicated or highlighted with the color yellow.
Marked my calendar
To make a note or reminder on a calendar for a specific date or event.
Marketed to
The process of promoting and selling products or services to a specific target audience or market.
Marketed towards
Designed or intended to be appealing or suitable for a particular market or group of people.
Massive call
A large or extensive request or demand for a particular action or response, often involving a significant number of people or resources.
Master of his craft
Someone who is highly skilled and proficient in a particular art, skill, or activity.
Master over
Having control or dominance over someone or something.
Mastery of techniques
A high level of proficiency or skill in applying a set of methods or procedures.
Match each other
Have corresponding characteristics or qualities that are similar or compatible with each other.
Matches better
Indicates a superior or more suitable compatibility or pairing in comparison to other options or alternatives.
Material comfort
A state of well-being and contentment, usually associated with having one's basic needs met and enjoying a satisfactory quality of life.
Material presented is
This phrase refers to the content or information that is being shown or provided. It implies the material or information that is currently being displayed or offered for consideration.
Matter of dispute
A subject or issue that is under disagreement or contention, often requiring resolution or clarification.
Mattered to me
Something that was important or significant to the speaker; held significance or value in the perspective of the speaker.
Matters arise
Issues or subjects come up or become relevant.
Maximum allowed limit
The highest quantity, degree, or amount that is permitted or accepted as valid.
May I ask that
A polite way of seeking permission or making a request to inquire about something.
May I please ask
A polite expression used to request permission or inquire about something in a courteous manner.
May be so
Expressing a possibility or likelihood, indicating that something is possible or true, though not certain.
May be subject to change
Indicating that something is susceptible or likely to change in the future.
1 to 100 of 356 Phrases