Phrases List

I confirm that
Expressing agreement or affirmation that something is true or accurate.
I did answer
A statement affirming that the speaker has responded to a question or request.
I mean that
Expressing clarification or elaboration on a previous statement, indicating an intention to provide further explanation or details.
I realized that
To become aware or conscious of something; to understand or comprehend a particular situation or fact.
I want you
Expressing a desire or wish for the presence, companionship, or affection of the person being addressed.
I was thinking
Expressing one's thoughts or ideas, often used to introduce a statement or opinion.
I will do that
Expressing agreement or affirmation, indicating the speaker's willingness to do something.
I would like
Expressing a desire or preference for something; indicating a wish or request for something.
I absolutely am
Expressing complete certainty or agreement; without any doubt or reservation.
I absolutely loved it
Expressing strong affection or admiration for something; having a deep and positive emotional attachment to it.
I accept it
Expressing agreement or willingness to receive or take something.
I accepted it
Indicating the act of agreeing to or receiving something willingly.
I actually can
Expressing the ability or capacity to perform a particular action.
I addressed
The phrase "i addressed" suggests that someone has spoken or written to a particular person or group, indicating communication or engagement.
I addressed it
Refers to the action of dealing with or giving attention to a particular matter or concern.
I admire your work
Expressing respect and approval for someone's efforts or achievements.
I agree with your opinion
Expressing concurrence or alignment with someone else's viewpoint or perspective.
I already am
Indicating that the speaker is currently in a particular state or condition, emphasizing that there is no need for further action.
I am appreciated
Expressing gratitude or recognition for one's actions or qualities.
I am awarded
Acknowledging or conferring an award or recognition upon oneself, possibly indicating a sense of accomplishment or achievement.
I am backed
Supported or endorsed by someone or something.
I am confirmed
Expressing certainty or assurance about one's status or situation.
I am confirming
Expressing the action of verifying or stating the truth or accuracy of something.
I am convinced that
Expressing a strong belief or firm conviction in the truth or validity of a statement or proposition.
I am distraught
Experiencing extreme sorrow, grief, or emotional pain.
I am ever grateful
Expressing continuous gratitude or appreciation for something or someone.
I am extremely honored
Expressing a feeling of great respect, admiration, or esteem for someone.
I am flexible
Capable of bending easily without breaking; adaptable to different conditions or situations.
I am glad and grateful
Expressing joy, satisfaction, and appreciation for something; feeling pleased and thankful.
I am hopeful because
Expressing optimism or confidence about a future outcome or situation.
I am inquiring
Expressing a desire for information or clarification, indicating a request for details or knowledge.
I am parked
Indicating the current state of a vehicle being stationary in a designated parking space or area.
I am professional
Indicating that the speaker is experienced, skilled, or qualified in a particular profession or occupation.
I am seeking
Expressing the act of looking for or trying to find something.
I am serving
Indicating the act of providing a service or performing a duty for someone or something.
I am so appreciative
Expressing gratitude or admiration for someone or something.
I am soaring
Experiencing a feeling of great excitement or happiness, often used metaphorically to describe a state of high spirits or achievement.
I apologize for the inconvenience
Expressing regret or sorrow for any trouble or difficulty that may have been caused.
I appreciate it greatly
Expressing gratitude or thanks in a significant manner.
I appreciate it very much
Expressing gratitude or showing recognition for something with a high degree of value or importance.
I appreciate your candor
Expressing gratitude for someone's openness and honesty in communication.
I bet he will
Expressing confidence or belief that someone will do something.
I bid you good day
A polite and friendly expression used to wish someone well or to part on positive terms during the daytime.
I bow to you
To incline the upper part of the body forward as a gesture of respect or greeting towards someone.
I brought food
The speaker is stating that they have brought food, indicating an action of bringing or providing food to a location or gathering.
I called him
The speaker made a telephone call to the person referred to as "him.
I can come today
Expressing the ability and willingness to arrive or visit on the current day.
I can guarantee you
Expressing assurance or confidence in the speaker's ability to provide a guarantee or assurance.
I can relate with
Expressing the ability to connect or empathize with something or someone, indicating a shared understanding or similarity.
I comforted her
To provide solace, support, or reassurance to someone in distress or sorrow.
I communicated with
The act of exchanging information or ideas with someone through verbal or written means.
I confirmed it
Expressing the action of verifying or affirming something to be true or accurate.
I could see that
Expressing the ability to perceive or understand something that is being pointed out or mentioned.
I counter
Expressing one's opposition or disagreement; a response or action taken to oppose or negate something.
I declined
Expressing the act of refusing or rejecting an offer, invitation, or proposal.
I definitely recommend
Expressing a strong and positive suggestion or endorsement for something or someone.
I did great
Expressing that the speaker performed well or achieved success in a particular task or situation.
I did indeed
Expressing confirmation or affirmation, indicating that something stated is true or accurate.
I did mention
Indicating that the speaker previously brought something to attention or discussed it.
I doubted it
Expressing uncertainty or lack of belief in the truth or likelihood of a statement or situation.
I drew myself
Creating a visual representation of oneself using artistic or creative techniques.
I encourage you
To inspire, support, or stimulate someone to take action, achieve a goal, or develop certain qualities.
I encourage you to
Expressing a supportive and motivating statement, urging someone to take a specific action or pursue a particular course of action.
I enjoyed learning
Expressing pleasure or satisfaction in the process of gaining knowledge or skills.
I expected that
Expressing anticipation or belief regarding a future event or outcome.
I explained that
Conveying information or clarifying a subject by providing details or making things clear.
I failed you
Expressing regret or acknowledgment of not meeting expectations or fulfilling a commitment to someone.
I feel comforted
Experiencing a sense of relief, reassurance, or consolation; having a feeling of being at ease or comforted.
I feel honoured
Expressing a sense of pride, respect, or esteem for oneself or others, typically in response to an acknowledgment of one's achievements, qualities, or actions.
I feel jolly
Expressing a sense of joy or happiness; in a cheerful or festive mood.
I feel pleased
Expressing a sense of satisfaction or contentment.
I feel trusted
Expressing the sensation of being confident in the reliability or faithfulness of someone or something.
I finished it
Indicates the completion of a task or activity.
I forgot to mention
Acknowledging the failure to include or communicate something previously, indicating an oversight or omission.
I forwarded you
The act of sending something, such as a message or document, to another person for their attention or action.
I got awarded
This phrase indicates that the speaker received an award or recognition for something.
I greeted her
Expressing a polite and friendly acknowledgment or welcome to a female person.
I have a quick question
Expressing the speaker's intention to ask a brief or prompt inquiry.
I have accessed
Indicating that someone has gained entry or retrieved information from a system or resource.
I have done my part
This phrase indicates that the speaker has fulfilled their responsibilities or obligations. It suggests that the person has completed their assigned tasks or duties.
I have ever seen
Expressing the experience of witnessing something at any point in one's life.
I have hopes
Expressing a positive outlook or belief in the possibility of positive outcomes or success in the future.
I have looked
This phrase indicates that someone has directed their gaze or attention towards something, implying an action of observing or examining.
I have now added
This phrase indicates that someone has included or included something at the present moment.
I have opened
This phrase indicates that someone has opened something, which could refer to a door, a container, or any other object that can be opened.
I held a position
Indicating that the speaker or someone else occupied a specific job or role.
I hope so too
Expressing agreement or affirmation, indicating agreement with a previous statement or sentiment.
I hope you do too
Expressing a wish or desire that the other person also has a positive or favorable outcome, similar to what the speaker hopes for.
I just wanted to talk
Expressing a desire or intention to engage in conversation or discussion.
I lived there
Expressing the act of residing or existing in a particular place.
I looked at her
Directing one's gaze or attention towards a female person in a visual examination or observation.
I love the ambience
Expressing a strong affection or deep appreciation for the atmosphere or surroundings.
I love the excitement
Expressing affection or deep affection for the feeling of excitement or thrill.
I measured it
Expressing the action of determining the size, amount, or degree of something through measurement.
I meet him
This phrase indicates the action of meeting someone.
I miss going
Expressing a feeling of longing or desire for the experience of going somewhere or engaging in a particular activity that is currently not happening.
I miss you
An expression conveying a longing or desire for the presence of someone who is absent.
I miss you dearly
Expressing a strong desire or longing for someone who is absent, often used to convey deep affection or emotional attachment.
I miss you greatly
Expressing a strong feeling of longing or sadness for someone who is absent, indicating a deep emotional connection.
I need your advice
Expressing a desire or request for someone's guidance or opinion on a particular matter or situation.
1 to 100 of 1155 Phrases