Phrases List

Table is reserved for
Indicating that a specific table has been set aside or booked for a particular purpose or individual.
Tailored to your
Designed or made to fit the preferences, needs, or specifications of an individual or group.
Tailored to your needs
Customized or designed to meet specific requirements or preferences.
Tailored towards
Designed or customized to meet specific needs or preferences.
Take a cab
To use a taxi service to travel from one place to another.
Take a different route
To choose an alternative path or direction instead of following the usual or expected course.
Take a fine
To accept or endure a penalty or punishment that is considered fair or just.
Take a memo
A directive or request to write down and record a memorandum, typically used in a business or professional context.
Take a perspective
Consider a particular point of view or way of thinking about a situation or issue.
Take a tub
To immerse oneself in a bath or container for bathing, often for relaxation or hygiene purposes.
Take a win
To acknowledge and celebrate a success or victory; to appreciate and accept a positive outcome or achievement.
Take an emotional toll
To cause emotional distress or strain; to have a negative impact on one's emotions or well-being.
Take as an example
To use something as a representative illustration or instance.
Take attention from
To divert or shift focus away from something.
Take concrete action
To engage in specific and effective measures or steps to address a situation or achieve a particular goal.
Take cover from the rain
Seeking shelter or protection from the rain to avoid getting wet or exposed to the elements.
Take extra caution
To exercise additional care or prudence in order to avoid potential risks or dangers.
Take for example
Used to introduce and emphasize an example or illustration of a particular point.
Take great care
To be cautious and attentive in handling or managing something to ensure its well-being or success.
Take her for a walk
To accompany someone on a leisurely stroll or outing, typically involving walking outdoors.
Take me back to
A request or desire to return to a previous location or situation.
Take me off your list
A request or demand to be removed from a list, often used in the context of email subscriptions or contact lists.
Take me on a trip
A request or invitation to accompany someone on a journey or excursion.
Take me to a restaurant
A request or desire to be escorted to a dining establishment for a meal.
Take off tomorrow
To have a day off or to be absent from work or other responsibilities on the following day.
Take on new challenges
To willingly confront or engage in new and difficult tasks or situations.
Take on new clients
To accept or acquire new clients, often referring to businesses or professionals who are open to providing services to new customers or customers.
Take on tasks
To accept or assume responsibilities or challenges.
Take on the role
To assume or undertake a particular function or responsibility, often in a formal or official capacity.
Take on the world
To confront or challenge the world, often with confidence or a determined attitude.
Take some classes
To enroll in and attend educational sessions or courses.
Take something for example
To use something as a representative instance or illustration.
Take the big leap
To take a significant and courageous step or action, often involving a major change or risk, with the expectation of positive outcomes or personal growth.
Take the work
To assume responsibility or perform a task, typically related to employment or a specific assignment.
Take today off
To have a day off from work or other responsibilities; to not work on the current day.
Take toward
To move or proceed in a direction; to make progress or advance in a particular course or toward a specific goal.
Take training
The act of participating in a learning process to acquire new skills or knowledge.
Take weight off your shoulders
To alleviate or relieve oneself of a burden or responsibility; to reduce stress or pressure.
Taken as an example
Used or considered as a representative instance or illustration of something.
Taken care of
Managed or dealt with appropriately; attended to and resolved.
Takes a physical toll
Refers to the negative impact or consequences on one's physical well-being or health due to a particular activity, situation, or condition.
Takes a toll
Has a negative impact or effect on me; causes me to suffer or experience difficulties.
Takes the place of
Serves as a substitute or replacement for a noun in a sentence.
Talk a bit
Engage in conversation for a short duration; have a brief discussion.
Talk to you again
An expression indicating the intention to converse with someone once more in the future.
Talk to you next year
Expressing the intention or plan to communicate with someone in the following calendar year.
Talk to you then
A colloquial expression indicating the intention to communicate with someone at a later time.
Tame the beast
To control or manage a challenging or difficult situation or problem.
Tame you down
To restrain or control someone's behavior, making them less wild or unruly.
Tangible plan
A concrete and specific course of action or strategy that is capable of being realized or achieved.
Tap someone on the shoulder
To lightly touch or pat someone on the shoulder, often as a way of getting their attention or signaling them.
Tapping on the button
The act of lightly striking or touching the button, typically referring to a digital or physical interface element, often to initiate a specific action or command.
Tared flask
In laboratory and analytical chemistry, the process of determining the weight of a sample container and its contents separately and then subtracting the weight of the container to find the net weight of the contents.
Targeted information
Information that is specifically aimed at a particular audience or group, often with the intention of influencing their opinions or actions.
Task to be completed
A set of activities or work that needs to be finished or accomplished.
Taught me a lot
Refers to the process of learning and gaining knowledge or skills from someone or something.
Taught you well
Imparted knowledge or skills to you in an effective and successful manner.
Tears streaming down my face
The act of tears flowing continuously and rapidly down someone's face, often indicating intense emotion or sadness.
Tears welling
The act of tears filling up in one's eyes, often due to emotions or strong feelings.
Technical adept
Having or showing skill or expertise in a specific technical field or activity.
Technical prowess
A high level of skill or ability in a particular technical field or activity.
Technical rigour
The quality or state of being extremely thorough, precise, and accurate in technical or scientific processes or work.
Technically difficult
Involving challenges or obstacles from a technical perspective.
Technically minded
Having an aptitude for or interest in technology and technical matters.
Technically sound
Having a high level of technical proficiency or competence.
Technologically adept
Having a high level of skill or proficiency in the use of technology.
Technologically inclined
Having a natural aptitude or interest in technology; possessing a tendency or ability to understand and use technology proficiently.
Technologically minded
Having an aptitude for or interest in technology; possessing a mindset oriented toward technology and technological advancements.
Technologically proficient
Having a high level of skill or competence in the use and understanding of technology.
Technology averse
Having a strong dislike or avoidance of technology.
Tell me how it went
A request for information about the details or outcome of a particular situation or event.
Temper expectations
To moderate or restrain one's expectations, usually to avoid disappointment or excessive optimism.
Temperature rose
The increase in atmospheric temperature, indicating a rise in the level of heat.
Tempered down
To moderate or make less intense; to reduce the force, strength, or harshness of something.
Tempering down
The act of making something less intense, severe, or extreme; to moderate or alleviate.
Temporarily or permanently
For a limited time or for an indefinite duration without change.
Ten minutes left
Indicating that there are ten minutes remaining or that a specific duration of time is still available before something ends or occurs.
Ten times as much
Indicating a quantity that is ten times larger or greater than a specified amount.
Tends to fall
Indicates a tendency or inclination for something to descend or decrease.
Tens of million dollars
A quantity or amount of money in the tens of millions, indicating a substantial sum of money.
Tens of thousands of dollars
Refers to an unspecified but very large number of dollars, indicating a substantial amount of money.
Tense relationship
A relationship characterized by strain, stress, or unease, often due to conflict or disagreement.
Tension in the air
A palpable or noticeable feeling of unease or apprehension in a situation or environment.
Tentative claim
A statement or assertion that is not definite or conclusive, subject to change or modification based on further evidence or consideration.
Tentative date
A date that is not final or definite, subject to change based on certain conditions or circumstances.
Tentative date for
A proposed or provisional date for an event, subject to confirmation or change.
Tentative schedule
A preliminary or provisional plan of events, subject to changes or adjustments.
Tentative time
Not certain or fixed; provisional. Referring to a time that is not final or definite, subject to change.
Tentative timeline
A provisional or not final schedule or plan indicating the expected sequence of events.
Tentative yes
Indicating a provisional or hesitant agreement or approval; not final or definite.
Tentatively accepted
Provisionally agreed upon or approved, subject to confirmation or further consideration.
Tentatively planning
Making preliminary plans or arrangements with a degree of uncertainty or flexibility.
Tentatively titled
Provisionally named or titled; subject to change or confirmation.
Tenth of a degree
A measurement indicating one-tenth of a unit on a scale, especially in reference to temperature or angles.
Tenuous relationship
A relationship that is weak, fragile, or not firmly established; lacking strength or substance.
Terribly cold
Extremely cold, to a great or intense degree.
Terribly missed
Deeply regretted or mourned; to feel a strong sense of loss or absence.
Than I thought
Used to express surprise or disbelief at a situation that has turned out to be different or more extreme than one previously believed or expected.
Than the others
Used for making comparisons between one thing or person and others in a group, indicating a comparative relationship.
Thank for taking my call
Expressing gratitude for someone answering a phone call or for the act of accepting and responding to a call.
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