Phrases List

Year of establishment
The year in which something was established or founded, indicating its beginning or creation date.
Years on end
For a continuous and extended period of time without interruption.
Years worth of
Indicating the quantity or value equivalent to a specific number of years.
Yes I confirmed
Expressing agreement or affirmation; stating that one has verified or agreed to something.
Yes absolutely
Expressing complete agreement or affirmation; without any doubt or reservation.
Yes already
An affirmative response indicating that something has been done or is already in existence.
Yes commander
An affirmative response or acknowledgment to a person in a commanding position; expressing agreement or compliance with a command.
Yes confirmed
Expressing agreement or affirmation; having been verified or proven true.
Yes exactly
Expressing agreement or affirmation; indicating complete agreement or correspondence.
Yes finally
Expressing satisfaction or relief that something anticipated or hoped for has finally happened.
Yes no problem
Expressing agreement or affirmation, indicating that there is no issue or difficulty.
Yes of course I will
An affirmative response expressing willingness or agreement to do something without hesitation.
Yes surely
Expressing agreement, affirmation, or consent with confidence or certainty.
Yes that would be nice
Expressing agreement or approval with a positive sentiment towards the idea or suggestion that something would be pleasant or desirable.
Yesterday in the morning
Refers to the time during the day that occurred on the day before today, specifically in the morning hours.
Yet another reason
An additional or further justification or explanation for something.
Yet here we are
Despite the circumstances or challenges, we have reached this point or situation.
Yet missing
Despite being present, something is still not there or unavailable.
You actually are
Used to emphasize that what is being stated is true or correct; expressing agreement or confirmation.
You advised that
Indicating that someone provided guidance, suggestions, or recommendations on a particular matter.
You are always welcome
A polite expression used to greet or receive someone in a friendly and hospitable manner.
You are both
Referring to the simultaneous existence or possession of two qualities or characteristics by a person or a group.
You are guaranteed
Expressing assurance or certainty that something will happen or is true.
You are perfectly right
Expressing agreement or acknowledgment that someone's statement or action is completely accurate or justified.
You are probably right
Expressing agreement or acknowledgment that the speaker's statement is likely correct or accurate.
You are quite welcome
Expressing politeness and willingness to assist or receive someone with warmth and friendliness.
You are required
Expressing the necessity or obligation for someone to do something.
You are required to
Indicating an obligation or necessity for someone to do something.
You are right on point
Expressing agreement with someone's statement or acknowledging that they have made a correct observation or argument.
You are so handsome
Expressing admiration for someone's physical appearance, suggesting that the person is very good-looking.
You are such an inspiration
Expressing admiration or positive influence for someone who serves as a source of motivation or encouragement.
You can reach me at
Indicates the availability of the speaker for communication and provides contact information.
You catch the ball
Successfully grabbing or seizing the ball in a physical activity or sport.
You confused me
Expressing that the speaker is feeling disoriented or perplexed due to the actions or statements of the person being addressed.
You definitely should
Expressing a strong recommendation or advice to undertake a particular action or behavior without doubt or hesitation.
You deserved it
Used to express that someone has earned or merited a particular outcome or consequence based on their actions or behavior.
You did amazing
Expressing admiration or approval for someone's exceptional performance or achievement.
You do too
Indicating agreement or affirmation, often used in response to a statement or action.
You got any ideas
Asking if someone has any thoughts or suggestions.
You guys are awesome
Expressing admiration or appreciation for a group of people, indicating that they are impressive or outstanding.
You have a good drive
Expressing that the person possesses a strong motivation or determination to succeed or achieve a goal, often used in a positive and motivational context.
You have bestowed upon me
Expressing gratitude for something that has been given or granted to the speaker.
You have my permission
Expressing consent or authorization for someone to do something.
You have my support
Expressing one's agreement, approval, or endorsement for someone or something.
You have two tries
Indicates that someone is allowed two attempts or opportunities to do something.
You inspired me
To motivate or encourage someone through one's actions, ideas, or behavior.
You look amazing
Expressing admiration for someone's appearance, indicating that the person looks exceptionally good or attractive.
You look awesome
A compliment expressing admiration for someone's attractive appearance.
You may proceed
An expression giving permission or approval to continue or move forward with a particular action or task.
You may proceed to
Indicating permission or authorization to move forward or continue with a task or action.
You mentioned that
Used to refer to something that has been previously brought up or stated in conversation.
You must be tired
Expressing the assumption or belief that the person addressed is feeling fatigued or exhausted.
You own me
Expressing the idea that someone has control or influence over another person, often in a figurative or emotional sense.
You really should
Expressing a recommendation or suggestion for someone to do something.
You so deserve
Expressing the belief that someone is worthy of a particular reward or recognition based on their actions or qualities.
You sound like
Expressing the similarity of someone's voice, tone, or manner to something or someone else.
You sounded like
Resembling or having the sound or manner of someone or something.
You spoke we listened
This phrase suggests that someone has spoken, and the speaker has paid attention and listened to what was said, indicating a responsive and attentive attitude.
You still need it
Indicating that there is a continuing requirement or necessity for something.
You surely are
Expressing certainty or confidence in someone's characteristics or qualities.
You surprised me
Expressing astonishment or disbelief at someone's unexpected actions or revelations.
You thought of everything
Expressing that someone has considered every possible detail or aspect of a situation.
You told me about
The phrase indicates that someone provided information or shared details with the speaker about a certain subject or topic.
You too are
This phrase is a confirmation or agreement, expressing that the person being addressed also possesses a certain quality or is in a similar situation.
You wanted to talk
Expressing a desire or willingness to engage in conversation or discussion.
You were able to
Expressing the capability or capacity to accomplish a certain task or achieve a particular goal.
You were awesome
Expressing admiration or approval for someone's exceptional performance or qualities.
You were close
Indicating that someone was near to achieving something or correctly guessing something, but fell short.
You were hired
An acknowledgment that someone has been employed or given a job.
You were late
Indicating that someone did not arrive at a specified time or was delayed in reaching a destination.
You were missed
Expressing that someone's absence was noticed and that their presence was desired or appreciated.
You were too busy
Indicating that someone was occupied or engaged with tasks or activities and, as a result, unavailable or unable to attend to something else.
You will be deeply missed
Expressing the sentiment that someone will be greatly and sincerely mourned or regretted when they are gone.
You will be greatly missed
Expressing a sincere sentiment of sorrow or regret at the thought of someone's absence, indicating that their presence is valued and will be fondly remembered.
You will do well
Expressing confidence or assurance that someone will perform successfully or achieve success in a particular task or endeavor.
You will have to pay
Indicating the requirement or obligation to make a payment.
Your application is successful
The application submitted has been accepted or approved, indicating a positive outcome in the application process.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated
Expressing gratitude for someone's help or support.
Your attention is needed
A request for someone's focus or consideration, indicating that something important or requiring action is being brought to their notice.
Your attention to this matter
A request or expectation for someone to focus on or give consideration to a particular issue or subject.
Your beloved family
Refers to the family that is dearly loved or cherished by an individual.
Your best convenience
Indicating the most suitable or opportune time for someone.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated
Expressing gratitude for someone's willingness to work together and contribute positively to a situation or task.
Your cooperation would be appreciated
Expressing a polite request for someone's assistance or collaboration, indicating that their cooperation is valued and welcomed.
Your dear ones
Referring to individuals who are cherished or beloved to someone, often used to describe close friends or family members.
Your deposit will be forfeited
If you fail to meet certain conditions, the money you paid as a deposit will be taken away or lost.
Your feedback is welcomed
The phrase indicates an open invitation or acceptance of feedback, suggesting that feedback is encouraged and appreciated.
Your guidance
Advice or information provided to help someone make a decision or navigate a situation.
Your legacy lives on
The impact or influence of what you leave behind continues to exist or have an effect over time.
Your legacy will live on
Refers to the idea that the impact and influence of one's actions or achievements will endure and be remembered over time.
Your living situation
The circumstances and conditions in which a person resides or lives.
Your loving husband
Referring to a husband who is affectionate and caring towards his spouse.
Your order has been placed
This phrase indicates that a request for a purchase has been successfully processed and confirmed by a seller or service provider.
Your patience is appreciated
Expressing gratitude or acknowledgment for someone's ability to endure waiting or difficulties without complaint.
Your preference
The act of expressing a liking or a choice for something; a personal favorite or inclination.
Your request was denied
The action of refusing or rejecting a formal application or proposal made by someone.
Your reservation has been confirmed
An acknowledgment or assurance that a booking or arrangement has been successfully secured or guaranteed.
Your respective team
Referring to the team that belongs to each individual or group in a specific context.
Your schedule permits
Your schedule allows or enables; you have the freedom or availability to do something based on your timetable.
Your submission has been received
A confirmation message indicating that a submitted item or information has been successfully received and recorded.
1 to 100 of 109 Phrases