Phrases List

Fabric of our community
The essential and interconnected elements or features that make up and support the well-being and identity of our community.
Fabricated lies
Intentionally created false statements with the intent to deceive or mislead.
Face each other
To be positioned or directed toward one another, often used to describe individuals or objects looking or oriented in the same direction.
Face lit up
A facial expression indicating happiness, excitement, or joy, often characterized by a brightening or animation of the face.
Faced issues
Encountered problems or challenges.
Facilitate the process
To make a process easier or more efficient; to assist in the progress of a procedure.
Facilitate work
To make work easier or more efficient by providing assistance or removing obstacles.
Facts stated
Information presented or declared as true, typically in a clear and definite manner.
Factual grounds
A basis of fact or evidence for a statement or belief.
Factual personality
A genuine and truthful set of characteristics or qualities that define an individual's identity or nature.
Factually based
Based on accurate and reliable information; supported by facts.
Fade into the background
To gradually become less noticeable or less prominent, blending into the surrounding environment or losing significance.
Fail to be
Lacking the ability or qualities required to be a particular thing or to fulfill a specified role or function.
Fail to do so
To not succeed in performing a specified action or to not accomplish a particular task as expected.
Fail to respond
Not providing a reaction or reply to a stimulus or situation.
Failed on me
Refers to a situation where something or someone did not meet expectations or perform as anticipated, resulting in disappointment or lack of success.
Failed to protect
Not succeeding in guarding or defending something, resulting in harm or damage.
Failure to comply
The act of not following or adhering to rules, regulations, or instructions, leading to negative consequences or outcomes.
Failure to do so will
Not fulfilling the required action or obligation will result in consequences or negative outcomes.
Failure to follow rules
The act of not adhering to or obeying established regulations or guidelines.
Faintly visible
Able to be seen with a slight, subtle, or barely noticeable appearance.
Fairly certain
Having a reasonable degree of confidence or belief; reasonably sure or convinced.
Fairly easily
Quite easily; without much difficulty or effort.
Fairly recently
Not long ago; not very long before now.
Fall off the bridge
To accidentally drop or descend from a bridge, usually implying a dangerous or undesirable situation.
Fall under the umbrella
To be categorized or included within a particular group, category, or scope.
Fallback date
A secondary or alternative date that is used if the original date is not feasible or successful.
Falling into the void
Descending or dropping into an empty or undefined space.
Family emergency
A sudden and serious situation or condition within one's family that requires immediate attention or action.
Family situation
Refers to a circumstance or condition within a family that may impact decisions, actions, or emotions.
Far beyond
Indicating a distance or degree that surpasses a certain point; much more advanced or exceeding expectations.
Far exceed
To surpass or go beyond to a great extent.
Far exceeding
Surpassing or going beyond to a great extent.
Far less than
Indicating a quantity or degree significantly lower or smaller than another.
Fare against
To compete or compare with, typically in terms of performance or success, to determine one's standing or ability relative to others.
Faring much better
Experiencing a notably improved or more favorable situation or condition.
Fashion driven
Characterized or influenced by the latest trends and styles in clothing, accessories, or overall appearance.
Fast and efficiently
Quickly and with high effectiveness; performing a task or process in a swift and effective manner.
Fast approaching
Nearing or getting close rapidly.
Fast forward to today
To quickly advance to the present time or current situation from a previous point in time.
Fast track the process
To expedite or accelerate the progress or completion of a task or procedure.
Fast turnaround
A quick and efficient process of completing a task or project within a short period of time.
Fast turnaround time
The quick completion or processing time for a task or project, often emphasizing efficiency and promptness.
Fastest answer
The quickest or most rapid response or solution provided to a question or problem.
Favourable publicity
Positive attention or coverage in the media that presents someone or something in a favorable light.
Favourite songs
Preferred or liked songs among a collection or list.
Feedback on something
Providing input or opinions regarding a particular thing or subject.
Feedbacks are welcome
An invitation or expression indicating that input, opinions, or responses are encouraged and appreciated.
Feel a sense of
Experiencing or perceiving a particular emotion or sensation related to a specific concept or aspect.
Feel able
Having the capacity or capability to experience a particular emotion or perform a specific action.
Feel accomplished
Experiencing a sense of fulfillment or achievement; having a feeling of success or completion.
Feel amazed
Experiencing a sense of wonder, astonishment, or admiration.
Feel competent
Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully.
Feel free to reach out
An invitation or encouragement for someone to contact or communicate without hesitation.
Feel the temperature
To sense or perceive the degree of warmth or coldness in the surrounding environment.
Feel trusted
Experiencing a sense of trust or confidence in someone or something.
Feeling much better
Experiencing an improved or enhanced state of well-being or health.
Feels good to be back
Experiencing positive emotions upon returning to a familiar place or situation.
Feels like yesterday
An expression conveying the perception that a certain period of time, often the past, seems very recent or fresh in one's memory.
Feels that way
Expressing an opinion or perception that something is perceived or experienced in a particular manner.
Fell into bed
To lie down in bed, typically indicating a tired or exhausted state.
Fell off my radar
To no longer be within one's awareness or attention; to be forgotten or overlooked.
Fellow comrades
Individuals who are part of the same group or organization and share common goals, beliefs, or interests.
Fellow human beings
People who share a common humanity; individuals belonging to the same species, emphasizing a sense of shared experience and connection.
Fellow leaders
Individuals who share leadership roles or positions with others, often in the same organization or group.
Fellow peers
Individuals who share a common status or position within a particular group or community.
Female counterpart
A person or thing that has the same function or characteristics as another person or thing, but is of the opposite sex.
Festive vibe
A joyful and celebratory atmosphere or feeling, often associated with special occasions or holidays.
Fever subsides
The fever decreases or lessens, indicating an improvement in the person's health.
Few months ago
A period of time that occurred a small number of months in the past.
Fierce rain
Intense and powerful rainfall; heavy and forceful precipitation of water droplets from the atmosphere.
Fiery pit of hell
A metaphorical expression emphasizing a situation or experience characterized by intense and agonizing suffering or torment.
Fight the odds
To confront or challenge difficult or unfavorable circumstances or situations.
Figure out
To understand or solve a problem through careful thought or analysis.
Fill in the missing information
To provide the necessary details or data that are currently absent or incomplete.
Fill me up
To add or replenish something until it reaches full capacity, often used in the context of filling a container or satisfying a need or desire.
Fill out the form completely
To provide all the required information on a form in a thorough and accurate manner.
Fill the time
Engage in activities to occupy or make use of one's time, especially when waiting for something.
Fill this in
To complete or provide information for a blank space or form.
Fill with love
To fill something with affection, warmth, and positive emotions.
Filled application form
A document that has been completed with necessary information for a particular purpose, typically for applying for something.
Filled document
A document that has been completed with the necessary information or content.
Filled her in
To inform someone about the details of a situation or event; to provide information or updates to someone.
Filled it in
To complete or provide information in the blanks or spaces provided.
Filled with excitement
Experiencing a high level of enthusiasm, thrill, or positive emotion.
Filled with gratitude
Expressing thanks or appreciation in a sincere and heartfelt manner.
Filled with happiness
Experiencing joy and contentment; having a state of well-being characterized by positive emotions.
Filling the needs
Satisfying or meeting the requirements or desires.
Final lap
The last stage or part of a race or competition, typically when the outcome is still uncertain and competitors make a final effort to secure victory.
Final meeting
The last scheduled gathering or session for discussion or decision-making.
Final revision of the document
The last modification or edit made to the document before its completion or submission.
Final wording
The ultimate or last version of the language used in a document, contract, or statement.
Finalise the schedule
To complete or settle the timetable or plan for a particular event or set of activities.
Finalized report
A completed or finished document that provides information or details on a particular subject or topic.
Finally available
Something that was not accessible or present before and can now be obtained or used.
Finally done
Completed or finished after a period of time or effort.
Finally finished
Successfully completed or brought to an end.
Finally got to do
Expressing the accomplishment of a desired or awaited action or task.
Finally reunited
To come together or be brought together again after being separated or apart for a period of time.
Financial means
The resources, typically financial, that are available to an individual or organization for accomplishing a purpose or meeting needs.
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