Phrases List

Calculating with
Performing mathematical calculations using a specified method or approach.
Calendar is up to date
Indicating that the calendar information is current and accurate, with no missing or outdated details.
Call me soon
A request or instruction to contact the speaker in the near future.
Call on Monday
To make a telephone call or visit on Monday.
Calls in a favor
To ask for and receive assistance or support, especially from someone who owes you a favor or is in a position to help.
Calm tone
A soothing and steady manner of speaking or expression, conveying a sense of tranquility or composure.
Came loose
Became detached or unfastened from its previous position.
Came today
Refers to the act of arriving or visiting on the present day.
Can additionally add
Expressing the ability to include or contribute extra information or elements.
Can be accessed via
Indicates that something can be reached or obtained through a particular method or route.
Can be bought
Capable of being purchased with money or other forms of payment.
Can be comprehended
Able to be understood or grasped; capable of being comprehended or understood.
Can be divided into
Capable of being separated or categorized into distinct parts or groups.
Can be downloaded
Refers to the ability or possibility for something to be obtained or retrieved from a source, typically over the internet or through a download process.
Can be easily achieved
Something that can be accomplished or attained with little difficulty or effort.
Can be felt
Capable of being experienced or perceived through the sense of touch or emotions.
Can be reached on
Refers to the ability to make contact or communicate through a specific means or platform.
Can be returned
Indicating the possibility or allowance for something to be given back or handed over to the original owner or provider.
Can be sent
Capable of being transmitted or conveyed to a recipient.
Can be sent to
Capable of being dispatched or transmitted to a particular destination.
Can be skipped
Capable of being omitted or passed over; not necessary or required to be done.
Can be varied
Capable of being changed, altered, or diversified.
Can no longer be
Indicating that something was possible or permissible in the past, but it is no longer the case or allowed now.
Can only do so much
Expressing a limitation or constraint on the extent of one's ability or capacity to accomplish something.
Can result in
Indicates a potential outcome or consequence of a particular action or situation.
Can we meet
A polite inquiry or request to arrange a face-to-face gathering or appointment.
Can we proceed
A polite inquiry or request to move forward or continue with a particular action or process.
Can you come here
A request or invitation for someone to approach or move to a specific location.
Can you please confirm
A polite request for verification or affirmation of information.
Can you please inform
A polite request for information or details
Canceled due to rain
An event or activity that has been called off or postponed because of rainfall.
Cancelled for tomorrow
Indicating that a planned event or activity has been called off or terminated for the upcoming day.
Candid response
An honest and straightforward reply or reaction without hiding one's thoughts or feelings.
Candid tone
An honest and straightforward manner of expression or communication.
Cannot be understated
Used to emphasize that something is so great or important that it cannot be expressed strongly enough.
Capitalize on opportunity
To take advantage of a favorable situation or condition to achieve success or gain a benefit.
Captivated me
Strongly attracted or influenced by someone or something; fascinated.
Captivating to me
Charming or enthralling to the speaker; evoking strong interest or fascination in the person expressing the sentiment.
Capture a moment in time
To take a photograph or create a lasting memory of a specific instant or period in the past.
Capture the essence
To express or represent the most important qualities or characteristics of something.
Capture the moment
To take advantage of and savor the present moment; to preserve a special or significant experience in time.
Captured perfectly
To represent or reproduce something in a particularly accurate or vivid way, with great skill or precision.
Car drove by
This phrase indicates that a car passed by or traveled near a certain location.
Care rendered to patients
The provision of medical attention and assistance to individuals requiring healthcare services.
Care to elaborate
A polite way of asking someone to provide more details or explanations about a particular topic or statement.
Care to explain
A polite way of asking someone to provide an explanation or clarification for something.
Care to share
An invitation or suggestion to disclose information or thoughts, often used in a friendly or informal manner.
Career endeavors
A person's actions or efforts towards achieving a particular profession or occupation, often involving long-term goals and aspirations.
Carefully considered
Giving thorough thought to a matter; thinking over carefully and thoroughly.
Carefully examined
To thoroughly inspect or scrutinize something with great attention to detail.
Caring nature
The quality of being concerned for the well-being of others and showing kindness and compassion.
Carried across
Transported or conveyed from one place to another.
Carried the team
To contribute significantly to the success or performance of a team, often by taking on a crucial role or responsibility.
Carries bag
The action of holding and transporting a bag from one place to another.
Carry on her legacy
To continue or maintain the traditions, values, or achievements established by someone who came before.
Carry out law
To execute or implement a legal action or regulation.
Carrying on her legacy
Continuing the traditions, values, or achievements established by someone who came before, often in honor or remembrance of that person.
Carve away
To remove or cut out a portion of something by carving.
Carve out time
To intentionally create or designate a specific period for a particular activity, especially when facing a busy schedule.
Cast a shadow of doubt
To cause doubt or suspicion; to make something seem questionable or uncertain.
Cast blame
To assign responsibility or fault to someone for a particular action or situation.
Cast in stone
Used to describe something that is very difficult or impossible to change.
Catch a ball
The action of grabbing or receiving a ball in a game or sport.
Catch the car
To intercept or grab hold of a moving vehicle, typically an automobile.
Catch the time
To be punctual or seize the opportunity to do something at the right moment.
Catch the travel bug
To develop a strong enthusiasm or passion for traveling.
Cater to your needs
To fulfill or satisfy your requirements or desires, usually by providing what is necessary or desired.
Caught me up
To inform someone about the latest developments or events, especially those that they missed or were not aware of.
Caught up to speed
To reach or achieve the same level of knowledge or understanding as others; to become informed or knowledgeable about a particular subject or situation.
Caught your attention
Attracting notice or interest; attracting someone's focus or awareness.
Cause an issue
To be the reason for a problem or difficulty.
Cause malfunction
To be the reason for a system or device not working properly or as intended.
Caused by you
Indicating that something has happened as a result of your actions or influence.
Causing the problem
Serving as the source or reason for the occurrence of an issue or difficulty.
Cautionary tone
A tone or style of communication that serves as a warning or advice to be cautious or prudent, often used to prevent potential harm or mistakes.
Cease to function
To stop working or operating; to no longer perform a specific action or task.
Ceased communications
The act of stopping or discontinuing the exchange of information or messages.
Cede the floor
To yield or surrender control or authority, especially in a discussion or debate, allowing someone else to speak or take charge.
Celebrate accordingly
To rejoice or observe an event in a manner that is appropriate or suitable to the circumstances or occasion.
Celebrate you
To commemorate or show appreciation for someone; to honor and express joy for an individual.
Celebrating with you
Taking part in joyous activities or expressing happiness in the company of someone else.
Celebratory lunch
A meal or gathering held in order to celebrate a special occasion or achievement.
Centuries ago
A time period that occurred many hundreds of years in the past.
Certain amount of time
An unspecified or definite quantity of duration or period.
Certain to happen
Bound to occur; inevitable or sure to take place.
Challenges posed by
Difficulties or obstacles presented by something or someone
Challenging opportunity
An opportunity that is difficult and requires effort, skill, or determination to succeed, often seen as a chance for personal or professional growth.
Challenging spirit
A mindset or attitude characterized by a willingness to take on difficult tasks or face obstacles with determination and enthusiasm.
Champion a cause
To actively support and promote a particular social, political, or environmental issue or goal.
Chance of meeting
The likelihood or probability of encountering someone or something in a specific situation.
Chances are high
Expressing the likelihood or probability of something being favorable or likely to happen.
Change of approach
A modification or shift in the way of handling or dealing with a situation or problem.
Change of personnel
The act of replacing or rotating individuals within a group or organization, typically referring to a shift in personnel or staffing.
Change turns
To exchange or switch the order or direction in which something rotates or moves.
Changed from to
Indicating a transition or modification from one state or condition to another.
Changes are happening
Refers to the occurrence or unfolding of modifications or adjustments in a situation or condition.
Changes are made
The process of making alterations or modifications to something.
Changes being made
The process of modifying or altering something that is currently in progress or being carried out.
Changes from to
Indicating a transition or modification from one state or condition to another.
Changes have been incorporated
Modifications or adjustments have been included or integrated.
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