Phrases List

Unable to assess
Lacking the ability or capacity to evaluate or make judgments.
Unable to get through
Not able to make contact or communication successfully; encountering difficulty or obstacles in reaching someone or something.
Uncanny timing
Exceptionally precise or perfectly suited timing that seems unusual or remarkable.
Uncertain in tone
Expressing or characterized by a lack of definite, clear, or precise manner of speaking or writing, creating doubt or ambiguity.
Under better circumstances
In a situation that is more favorable or positive; if things were different or more ideal.
Under certain circumstances
In specific situations or conditions; in particular cases or instances.
Under different circumstances
In different situations or conditions; under varying sets of factors or events.
Under ideal conditions
In a situation where everything is perfect or optimal.
Under my purview
Within the scope or authority of my responsibility or supervision.
Under my watch
During the time when I am responsible for overseeing or supervising something.
Under normal circumstances
In typical or usual situations; without any unusual or exceptional conditions.
Under one condition
Indicating a situation where something is acceptable or possible only if a particular requirement or stipulation is met.
Under process
In the course of being done or carried out; in progress.
Under qualification
Indicating the status of being qualified for a particular role or position based on one's skills, knowledge, or credentials.
Under revise
In the process of being reviewed and updated for improvement or correction.
Under revision
The process of reviewing, editing, and making changes to improve or update something, typically a document or a piece of work.
Under the assumption
Accepting something as true or as certain to happen, without proof or evidence.
Under the candlelight
Illuminated by the light emitted from a candle or candles.
Under the condition that
Indicating a circumstance or situation in which something is true or possible.
Under the guidance of
Receiving direction, advice, or leadership from someone or something.
Under the premise
Based on the assumption or proposition that something is true or exists.
Under this condition
In this situation or circumstance; subject to this particular set of circumstances.
Under treatment with
Currently receiving medical care or intervention.
Under what condition
In what circumstances or under what situations.
Under which conditions
In the circumstances in which something happens or exists; the specific situations or factors affecting a particular situation or event.
Undergo maintenance
The process of undergoing necessary repairs or updates to ensure proper functioning or optimal performance.
Undergoing surgery
The process of having a medical operation to treat a condition or injury.
Undergoing treatment
The process of receiving medical care or intervention to address a health condition or illness.
Underlying premise
The basic idea or assumption on which a theory or argument is based, forming the foundation of a reasoning or belief.
Underneath the door
Situated or occurring beneath or below the surface of the door.
Understand anything
To comprehend or grasp any information or concept.
Understand clearly
To grasp or comprehend something in a straightforward and unambiguous manner.
Understand in depth
To comprehend thoroughly or with great detail.
Understandably so
In a way that is easy to understand or sympathize with, given the circumstances or reasons.
Understanding of business implications
Having knowledge or awareness of the consequences and effects on business.
Uneasy tone
A feeling or atmosphere of discomfort, tension, or anxiety in communication or expression.
Unequivocal love
A love that is clear, unambiguous, and without any doubt or uncertainty.
Unforeseeable future
A future that cannot be predicted or anticipated; events or outcomes that are impossible to foresee or foresee.
Unforeseen circumstances
Unexpected events or situations that were not anticipated or predicted.
Unforeseen future
A future that cannot be predicted or anticipated; unexpected or not foreseen.
Unforeseen problem
An issue or difficulty that was not anticipated or expected beforehand.
Unforgiving environment
A harsh or challenging setting that does not easily pardon mistakes or shortcomings.
Unfortunate turn of events
A series of unfortunate incidents or developments that have occurred.
Unfortunately or fortunately
Expressing the presence of both unfortunate and fortunate circumstances or outcomes; whether viewed negatively or positively.
Unfortunately yes
Expressing regret or disappointment in acknowledging a positive statement or fact.
Unique individuality
The quality or characteristic of being unlike anything else, distinctive and individual.
Uniquely positioned
Having a distinctive or advantageous location or arrangement that sets something apart from others.
Universally liked
Accepted, appreciated, or admired by everyone or by people in general.
Unless directed otherwise
Indicating that a particular action or decision should be taken unless there are specific instructions or guidance to the contrary.
Unless instructed otherwise
Indicating the necessity to follow a specific set of instructions unless alternative guidance is provided.
Unless otherwise noted
Indicating that unless specific details or instructions are provided to the contrary, a general rule or statement should be followed.
Unless otherwise specified
Except if it is stated differently or indicated in another way.
Unless specified otherwise
Except if explicitly stated differently
Unless stated otherwise
Except if explicitly mentioned differently
Unlock the opportunities
To access or make available various possibilities or advantages.
Unpredictable weather patterns
Irregular and inconsistent changes in atmospheric conditions and phenomena, such as temperature, precipitation, and wind, that make it challenging to foresee or plan for future weather conditions.
Unrealized potential
The capability or capacity that has not been fully utilized or developed; the untapped possibilities or opportunities that have not been realized.
Untapped potential
Refers to the unrealized or unused capabilities and possibilities that exist and can be developed or utilized.
Until after
Up to the time of or later than
Until further notification
Indicating that something will continue until additional information or updates are provided.
Until next week
Indicating the time frame extending up to the following week.
Until next year
Expressing a duration of time that extends until the following year.
Until proven otherwise
A concept stating that a certain assumption or assertion is considered true unless evidence to the contrary is presented.
Until such time
Indicating the specific period or point in time up to which a particular situation or condition is expected to last or continue.
Until this day
Up to and including the present time; even now.
Unwarranted attention
Undesired or unnecessary focus or notice that is not justified or warranted.
Unwavering conviction
A firm and resolute belief or determination that remains steadfast and unchanging.
Unwavering dedication
Steadfast and determined commitment or loyalty without wavering or faltering.
Unwavering dedication and commitment
Showing a strong and steady commitment and loyalty, without faltering or wavering.
Unwavering friendship
A steadfast and constant friendship that does not waver or falter; remaining strong and resolute over time.
Unwavering love
A love that does not waver or falter; steadfast and constant affection.
Unwavering resolve
A firm and steadfast determination or commitment that does not waver or falter.
Up for the challenge
Willing and prepared to face and overcome a difficult task or situation.
Up till this point
Indicating the specific moment or stage reached in a process or progression, often used to refer to the current status or situation up to now.
Up to and including
Including all the items or details mentioned, up to and including a specified point or limit.
Up to and including termination
Indicating the range or extent that includes everything, including termination.
Up to interpretation
Subject to individual understanding, perception, or judgment; open to various interpretations.
Up until this point
Indicating a specific moment in time or a particular stage in a process or situation, suggesting that something has been true or the case until that moment.
Upcoming schedule
A list or plan of events or activities that are planned to happen in the near future.
Update price
The act of revising or adjusting the cost of a product or service to a new or current value.
Update something
To make changes or modifications to something, typically to bring it up to date or improve its functionality.
Update with
To incorporate or integrate new information or features into something existing, typically a software or system.
Updated accordingly
Adjusted or modified in a way that is appropriate or fitting to the circumstances or requirements.
Updated from
The act of making changes or modifications to something from a previous state or version.
Updating you with
Providing the latest information or making you aware of updates.
Upload into the system
The action of transferring or placing data or files into a computerized system or database.
Upload onto the system
The action of transferring data or files onto the computer or network.
Upon approval
The action or process of formally agreeing to or accepting something, often with authorization or permission.
Upon arriving home
At the moment of reaching one's home; when arriving at one's residence.
Upon checking
To examine or inspect something; to verify or confirm by investigation or observation.
Upon checking with
Obtaining information or verifying by consulting or examining.
Upon further consideration
After more careful thought or examination.
Upon further inspection
A closer examination or scrutiny of a subject or object to gather more information or details.
Upon further investigation
After additional examination or inquiry.
Upon graduating
Upon completing a course of study or finishing an academic program, typically referring to graduation from a school or university.
Upon hire
Refers to something that occurs or is required at the time of employment or hiring.
Upon his return
Indicating the time or event when someone comes back or reverts to a place or situation.
Upon inspection
A close and careful examination or scrutiny of something.
Upon looking
To examine or observe something by directing one's gaze or attention towards it.
Upon looking through
Examining or searching through something thoroughly or carefully.
1 to 100 of 139 Phrases