Phrases List

Had a fall
Experiencing a sudden drop or descent, often resulting in injury or accident.
Had a word with him
To have a conversation or discussion with someone.
Had fun
To have enjoyed oneself, experienced pleasure or amusement.
Had hidden
Past tense of hide, meaning to conceal or keep something out of sight.
Had just beaten
This phrase indicates that someone or something had recently won or defeated someone or something else in a competition, contest, or confrontation.
Had the chance to meet
An opportunity or occasion to encounter or make the acquaintance of someone.
Had the pleasure of meeting
Expressing the experience of meeting someone with enjoyment or satisfaction.
Half a decade
A period of five years.
Half a kilo
A unit of weight equal to 500 grams or 0.5 kilograms.
Half an hour later
Referring to a point in time that is 30 minutes into the future from the current moment.
Half crying
Expressing a state of emotional distress or sorrow to a certain extent, typically with tears.
Halfway done
At the midpoint of completing a task or reaching a goal.
Hand in marriage
A traditional symbolic gesture where one person offers their hand to another as a sign of agreement or commitment to marry.
Hand over cash
To give someone an amount of money in the form of cash, typically as payment for something.
Handed it in
Submitted or turned in something, typically a document or assignment, to a person or place.
Handed over the money
To transfer or give the money to someone else, typically as part of a transaction or payment.
Handful of flowers
A small quantity or number of flowers held or gathered together in one's hand.
Handing over money
The act of giving or transferring money from one person or party to another.
Handled the situation
Successfully managed or dealt with the circumstances or conditions.
Hands on the ground
A command or instruction to place one's hands on the ground, often used in situations where compliance or submission is required.
Hang in the Louvre
Suggesting that something deserves to be displayed in a prestigious or prominent place, like the Louvre Museum in Paris.
Hang off
To suspend or dangle from a support, or to remain in a suspended or undecided state.
Hang on a second
A request to wait or pause for a short period of time, usually used in conversation to indicate a brief delay or interruption.
Happily excited
Feeling joy or pleasure in a positive and cheerful manner.
Happily playing
Engaging in an activity with joy and contentment.
Happy cheers
Expressing joy, pleasure, or satisfaction through lively and enthusiastic vocalizations or gestures.
Happy faces
Expressing or characterized by contentment and pleasure; having a cheerful and satisfied demeanor.
Happy for us
Experiencing joy or pleasure for the benefit or well-being of oneself and others.
Happy to assist
Expressing willingness and joy in providing help or support.
Happy to assist you
Expressing a willingness and positive attitude towards providing help or support.
Happy to be back
Expressing joy or contentment at the return to a place or situation.
Happy to hear from you
Expressing joy or satisfaction upon receiving communication or news from someone.
Happy to serve
Expressing a willingness and pleasure in assisting or helping others.
Happy traveling
Expressing joy or contentment while journeying from one place to another.
Happy with this
Expressing contentment or satisfaction with the current situation or state of affairs.
Harbor hatred
To hold or keep strong and intense feelings of hatred or resentment.
Harbor reservations
The act of holding back or keeping in one's mind or feelings, especially reservations about something.
Harbour animosity
To hold or bear hostility, resentment, or ill will towards someone or something.
Hard to beat
Difficult to surpass or overcome; very impressive or formidable.
Hard to fathom
Difficult to understand or comprehend; perplexing.
Hard to pick up
Challenging or difficult to grasp or understand.
Hard to reason with
Difficult to engage in logical discussion or argumentation with; resistant to rational persuasion or understanding.
Hard to resist
Challenging or difficult to withstand or avoid; tempting or compelling in a way that makes it challenging to say no or refrain from.
Hard work and diligence
Consistent effort and perseverance in achieving a task or goal, often involving sustained and focused labor.
Hardly agree
Expressing strong disagreement or indicating that it is difficult to agree.
Hardly change
Changing to only a very small extent; almost not changing at all.
Hardly enough
Barely sufficient; not quite adequate or not meeting the minimum requirements.
Hardly used
Used infrequently or rarely; not often utilized.
Harness its power
To utilize or control its energy or capabilities for a specific purpose.
Harsh reality
A difficult and unpleasant fact of life, often one that is unavoidable or difficult to accept.
Has a connection
Implies the existence of a link or relationship between two or more things.
Has a strong say
To have a significant influence or authority in a decision or matter.
Has a subtle sweetness
Possessing a delicate and not easily noticed sweet flavor.
Has a vast knowledge
Possessing an extensive and comprehensive understanding or awareness of various subjects or information.
Has achieved a milestone
Reaching an important or significant point or goal, often indicating success or progress.
Has anything changed
Inquires whether any alterations or modifications have occurred.
Has been a great year
Expressing that the current year has been positive, enjoyable, or successful.
Has been aware
Having knowledge or consciousness of something; cognizant.
Has been delivered
The item or message has reached its intended destination or recipient.
Has been heavily edited
Indicates that something has undergone significant modifications or alterations.
Has been held
Refers to the past occurrence of an event or the act of organizing and conducting a meeting, ceremony, or similar gathering.
Has been processed
The action of performing a series of operations or steps on something to achieve a particular result, often in a systematic or organized manner.
Has been renamed
Indicating that something previously had one name and now has a new one.
Has been selected
Indicating that someone or something has been chosen or picked for a particular purpose or position through a selection process.
Has been sending
The action of dispatching or transmitting something over a period of time.
Has been sent
Indicates that something has been dispatched or delivered to a recipient.
Has been sold
The past tense of the verb "to sell," indicating that something was previously owned by someone and has now been exchanged for money or other goods.
Has been submitted
The action of presenting or handing in something for consideration or judgment.
Has been successfully done
Indicating that a task or activity has been completed with success or achievement.
Has been taken care of
Something that has been looked after or attended to, ensuring its well-being or proper handling.
Has been taking care of
To be responsible for the well-being or maintenance of someone or something.
Has been unemployed since
Indicating the duration of time someone has been without a job.
Has been updated
The action of making changes or improvements to something, typically a piece of software or information, to bring it up to date.
Has benefited me
Indicates that something has positively affected or provided an advantage to the speaker.
Has ceased operations
Indicating that a business or organization has stopped its activities or functions.
Has come to an end
Indicates that something has reached its conclusion or termination.
Has commented on
Expressing an opinion or providing feedback about a particular subject or issue.
Has confirmed attendance
The act of verifying or acknowledging one's intention to be present at a particular event or gathering.
Has confirmed his attendance
The individual has acknowledged and assured that they will be present at a particular event or gathering.
Has engaged well with
Indicating successful and positive interaction or involvement with something or someone.
Has finally recovered
Indicates that someone or something has successfully regained health, strength, or normal functioning after a period of illness, injury, or difficulty.
Has flown away
Indicates that someone or something has moved through the air and is no longer present in the original location.
Has fun
Experiencing enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure.
Has gone smoothly
This phrase indicates that a process or event has proceeded without any significant issues or disruptions, and everything has progressed well or in a satisfactory manner.
Has gotten old
Indicating that something or someone has aged or become old over time.
Has graciously accepted
Willingly and courteously agreed to something in a kind and considerate manner.
Has graciously agreed
Willingly and courteously agreed to do something in a kind and considerate manner.
Has graciously agreed to
Expressing a willingness to do something in a courteous and kind manner.
Has grown up so fast
Refers to the rapid development or maturation of someone or something in a short period of time.
Has hit a milestone
Reaching an important or significant point or achievement in a process or development.
Has improved significantly
Indicates a notable and positive change or enhancement in a particular aspect.
Has increased significantly
Refers to a substantial and notable rise or growth in a particular quantity or quality.
Has it been completed
Inquiring about the status or fulfillment of a task or activity to determine if it has been finished or accomplished.
Has it been done
Questioning whether a particular task or action has already been completed or accomplished.
Has joined today
Refers to the action of someone becoming a member or participant on the current day.
Has just ended
Recently concluded or finished; no longer ongoing.
Has long been
Used to indicate that something has existed or been the case for a particular period of time, emphasizing its duration.
Has long passed
A significant amount of time has elapsed; something is no longer current or applicable.
Has never been an option
Expressing that something was never considered or available as a choice.
Has never been worn
Indicating that something has not been used or put on, emphasizing its new and unused condition.
1 to 100 of 557 Phrases