Phrases List

Label them as
To assign or attach a specific identification or description to something or someone.
Lack of
The state of being without or not having enough of something.
Lack of agency
The absence or limitation of the ability to make choices and decisions, often due to external constraints or circumstances.
Lack of analogy
The absence or deficiency of a similarity or correspondence between things that are compared.
Lack of continuity
The absence or deficiency of a consistent and uninterrupted sequence or connection.
Lack of dynamism
Absence or deficiency of energy, enthusiasm, or vitality; the state of being uninteresting or lacking in activity.
Lack of maintenance
The failure to provide proper care and attention, resulting in a state of disrepair or inefficiency.
Lack of objectivity
The absence or deficiency of impartiality or unbiased judgment in the assessment of a situation, fact, or event.
Lack of oversight
The absence or deficiency of proper supervision or control, leading to potential issues or problems due to the lack of oversight.
Lack of presence
The state of being absent or not being sufficiently noticeable or influential.
Lack of space
The absence or insufficiency of physical area or room.
Lack of structure
Absence or deficiency of an organized and coherent arrangement or system.
Lack originality
The absence of creativity or the failure to produce original and innovative ideas.
Lack thereof
The absence or nonexistence of something.
Lacks clarity
The absence of clearness or distinctness; the quality of being unclear or ambiguous.
Land dweller
A living organism, typically an animal, that resides or thrives on land rather than in water or air.
Landed a job
Successfully secured employment in a specific position or occupation.
Landmark text
A significant or historic written or printed work, especially one regarded as authoritative or well-known.
Lapse in communication
A temporary failure or breakdown in communication, typically resulting in a lack of understanding or information exchange between individuals or groups.
Lapse of judgement
A temporary failure of one's ability to make sound decisions or judgements.
Largely in part to
To a great extent as a result of; mostly due to
Larger than life persona
Describing someone or something that has an extraordinary and impressive presence, often exceeding typical expectations or standards.
Last I checked
Used to express that the information provided is based on the most recent or recent observation or knowledge.
Last case scenario
A situation or set of circumstances that is considered to be the most extreme or unlikely, typically as a last resort.
Last leg of our trip
The final part or stage of a journey or trip.
Last minute decision
A choice or judgment made at the very end of a period of time, often characterized by urgency or lack of prior planning.
Last reminder
A final communication or notification serving as a prompt or alert to remember or take action on something previously mentioned or scheduled.
Last vacation day
The final day of a period of time designated for leisure and recreation away from work or regular duties.
Last week of September
The final period of seven days in the month of September.
Last week of the month
The final seven days of a calendar month.
Lasts for a long time
Persists or endures over an extended period.
Late May
The latter part of the month of May, typically referring to the period towards the end of May.
Late great
Used to refer to someone who was highly esteemed or accomplished during their lifetime and is remembered with admiration or fondness after their death.
Late hours of the night
Referring to the time during the night that is late or well into the night.
Late scratch
A last-minute withdrawal or cancellation, especially in sports or entertainment, often due to injury or unforeseen circumstances.
Lately at night
During the recent nights or in the recent period during the nighttime.
Later afternoon
The time period in the latter part of the day, typically from late afternoon to early evening.
Later at night
Referring to a time that occurs in the evening or during the nighttime hours.
Later in the week
Refers to a specific point in time during the upcoming week, indicating that something will happen or be scheduled at that time.
Later in the year
Refers to a point in time occurring in a subsequent part of the current year.
Later next week
In the near future, during the following week.
Later than expected
Occurring or arriving at a time that is beyond the initially anticipated or scheduled time.
Later that afternoon
Refers to a specific time later in the day, typically during the afternoon hours.
Later that year
Refers to a point in time occurring at a subsequent part of the same calendar year.
Later this afternoon
Refers to the time later in the day, specifically during the afternoon.
Later this day
Referring to a point in time that is subsequent to the current moment within the same day; indicating a future time later in the day.
Later tonight
Referring to a time later in the evening or night.
Latter half of the day
The second part of the day, typically referring to the afternoon and evening hours.
Latter half of the year
The second or last part of the year, typically from July to December.
Latter part of the year
The final portion or period of the year.
Laugh happily
Expressing joy or amusement in a cheerful and positive manner.
Laugh to tears
To find something extremely funny, to laugh uncontrollably.
Laughed a lot
Expressing amusement or happiness with audible sounds, to a great extent.
Laughing about
Expressing amusement or pleasure through the sounds and movements of the face and body, often accompanied by spontaneous reactions.
Lay in store
To be in the future or to happen in the future; what is going to happen or be available in the future.
Lay on your chest
To recline or rest on your chest, often referring to a position or action of lying down with the front part of the body facing downward.
Layered in
Arranged or formed in layers; covered or coated with layers of something.
Lays on the ground
The act of placing something in a horizontal position on the surface of the Earth.
Lead towards
To guide or direct in a particular direction or course.
Leading into
Transitioning or moving toward a particular direction or situation.
Leading me to
Guiding or directing me towards something
Leading post
A prominent or influential position or role in a particular field or domain.
Leaning on each other
Relying on mutual support and assistance from one another; depending on each other for help or comfort.
Least effective
Having the lowest level of effectiveness or efficiency among a group or set of options.
Least important
Indicating the minimal level of significance or relevance among various elements or factors.
Leave a reply
To respond or provide feedback in written form, often in the context of online communication or discussions.
Leave as is
To keep something in its current state without making any changes or modifications.
Leave away
To depart or go away from a particular place or situation.
Leave blank
To choose not to fill in or provide information in a space or field, typically on a form or document.
Leave comment
To submit or express a remark or opinion in a specified location or platform.
Leave for the day
To depart or go away for the entire day, indicating a temporary absence from a place or activity for the duration of one day.
Leave it as is
Maintain or keep something in its current state without making any changes or alterations.
Leave it blank
To not fill in or complete a space or section, typically on a form or document.
Leave it overnight
To allow something to remain or continue overnight, often implying that it will be attended to or dealt with the next day.
Leave me a message
A request for someone to leave a written or spoken communication for the speaker.
Leave me no choice
Expressing a situation where someone is compelled to do something because there are no other options or alternatives available.
Leave nothing behind
To ensure that no trace or evidence is left; to take everything with you or ensure that everything is dealt with properly.
Leave the building
To exit or vacate the premises of a building.
Leave the premise
To exit or vacate the location or property.
Leaves no doubt
Removes any uncertainty or ambiguity; provides complete clarity or assurance.
Leaves the country
Departs or exits the nation or state, typically referring to a person moving away from their home country.
Leaves the room
The action of departing or exiting a room or space.
Leaving for work
The action of departing from one's place of residence or another location to go to one's workplace or job.
Leaving from
The act of departing or moving away from a particular place or location.
Leaving the building
The act of departing or exiting a particular structure or place.
Led to changes
Caused or resulted in alterations or modifications.
Left a message
To have recorded or written a message for someone, typically by means of a written note, voicemail, or other communication method.
Left a note
The action of writing or placing a written or printed message in a specific location for someone to find or read.
Legacy issues
Problems or challenges inherited from the past that continue to affect the present or future.
Legal hook
A legally sound or effective strategy or tactic used to achieve a specific goal or outcome.
Legal repercussions
The potential consequences or outcomes, often negative or punitive, that result from legal actions or violations.
Legend says
A widely held belief or tradition that has been passed down through generations, often with no verifiable evidence.
Lend a listening ear
To attentively listen and provide support or understanding to someone who needs to talk or share their thoughts.
Lend an air of legitimacy
To give an appearance or impression of being legitimate or authentic.
Lengthy text
A body of written or printed matter consisting of a continuous sequence of letters, words, or other symbols, with minimal breaks or interruptions.
Less commonly
Not occurring or happening as frequently as something else; less often or rarely occurring.
Less costly
Requiring or involving less expenditure of money; inexpensive or comparatively inexpensive.
Less inclined to
Having a reduced tendency or preference for something.
Less load
A state of having a reduced amount of burden or weight, often referring to a decreased amount of work, stress, or responsibility.
Less restrictions
A reduced number or degree of limitations or rules.
1 to 100 of 359 Phrases