Definition: To abstain or avoid the utilization of something.

Synonyms: Avoid Usage, Stop Use, Cease Utilization, Eliminate Use, Discontinue Using

Usage Examples in Sentences

Please refrain from using your phone during class.
She decided to refrain from using social media for a week.
The teacher asked the students to refrain from using foul language.
The doctor advised him to refrain from using tobacco for better health.
As a courtesy, please refrain from using loud music in public spaces.
Students should refrain from using their smartphones during class lectures.
Please refrain from using strong language in this professional setting.
To protect the environment, we should refrain from using single-use plastic products.
As a safety precaution, passengers are asked to refrain from using electronic devices during the flight.
It is essential to refrain from using abbreviations in formal written communication.
To optimize cognitive performance, refrain from using electronic devices before bedtime.
In order to preserve the ecosystem, environmentally conscious individuals often refrain from using single-use plastics.
To cultivate a serene atmosphere, practitioners of meditation often refrain from using loud music during their sessions.
Ethical journalists refrain from using sensationalized headlines to ensure accurate and unbiased reporting.
In mathematical proofs, it is crucial to refrain from using circular reasoning to maintain logical integrity.
It is advisable to refrain from using your phone while driving.
To maintain the freshness of the ingredients, refrain from using them past the expiration date.
During the meeting, we should all refrain from using our personal devices to focus on the discussion.
To prevent accidents, drivers should refrain from using their phones while on the road.
Please refrain from using loud music during the library hours.
When you are in the wildlife preserve, you must refrain from using flash photography.
To maintain confidentiality, employees should refrain from using their personal emails for work purposes.
If you have sensitive skin, you should refrain from using fragranced skin products.
During the software update, refrain from using the application to avoid any data loss.
To maintain professionalism, please refrain from using casual language in formal emails.
Due to copyright laws, we must refrain from using this image without permission.
During meditation, refrain from using your phone as it disrupts concentration.
Please refrain from using flash photography in the museum to protect the artworks.
To ensure safety, workers must refrain from using damaged equipment.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Good morning, team. I'd like to remind everyone about the new company policy regarding personal devices in the workplace.B: What's the policy?A: We need to refrain from using personal smartphones or tablets during working hours, except for emergencies.C: Is that including breaks?A: Yes, it applies to all working hours, including breaks. We want to maintain focus and productivity.
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