Comment Guidelines
- Be Respectful: Always treat other users with respect and kindness.
- Avoid Hate Speech: Do not post comments that are hateful, discriminatory, or inflammatory.
- No Debates or Arguments: Keep discussions civil and avoid engaging in arguments or heated debates.
- Respect Different Opinions: Acknowledge and respect the diverse opinions and perspectives of others.
- No Personal Attacks: Refrain from making personal attacks or insults against other users.
- Avoid Offensive Language: Use language that is appropriate and non-offensive to all users.
- Respect Privacy: Do not share personal information about yourself or others.
- Stay On Topic: Ensure your comments are relevant to the sentence or phrase being discussed.
- Constructive Criticism Only: If offering criticism, make sure it is constructive and aimed at improving the content.
- Respect Religious Beliefs: Be considerate and respectful of different religious beliefs and practices.
- Respect Nationality and Culture: Show respect for the nationality, culture, and heritage of all users.
- Gender Respect: Avoid comments that are sexist or disrespectful towards any gender.
- No Spamming: Do not post spam or repetitive comments.
- Report Inappropriate Comments: Use the reporting feature to flag comments that violate these guidelines.
- Follow Site Rules: Adhere to all other site-specific rules and regulations.