Definition: Directing attention or mentioning something in speech or writing.

Synonyms: Mentioning, Speaking About, Talking Of, Pointing Out, Discussing

Usage Examples in Sentences

He was referring to the fascinating story in the book.
The teacher kept referring to the importance of good manners in class.
The tour guide was referring to the historical significance of the ancient ruins.
She was constantly referring to the ancient manuscripts to uncover the hidden secrets of the archaeological site.
The professor spent the entire lecture referring to various scientific theories to explain the complex phenomenon.
During the heated debate, the politician kept referring to statistics to support his argument on economic policies.
The coach's halftime speech was filled with motivational anecdotes, referring to the team's determination and unity.
When referring to the budget, please consider all expenses.
Referring to the map, the destination is just ahead.
She was unsure whether she was referring to the right person.
I appreciate you referring to me as your mentor.
Referring to her experience, she confidently tackled the project.
He spoke eloquently, referring to his extensive research.
She provided insightful advice, referring to her vast knowledge.
They made their decision based on the evidence, referring to the facts presented.
Referring to his recent trip to Japan, Mark shared captivating stories about the culture.
Sarah, referring to her love for animals, volunteers at the local shelter every weekend.
The professor, referring to the latest research findings, emphasized the importance of peer review.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: During our presentation, make sure to refer to the latest market trends.B: Absolutely, I'll include a section specifically referring to those trends and their impact on our strategy.A: Great, that will provide valuable context for our audience.
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