Definition: Completely comprehended or grasped; fully comprehended or acknowledged.

Synonyms: Completely Got, Fully Grasped, Entirely Comprehended, Utterly Comprehended, Wholly Understood

Usage Examples in Sentences

After the science experiment, the concept of photosynthesis was totally understood by the students.
Reading the story once, the children totally understood the moral of the tale.
With the map in hand, the explorers totally understood the route to the hidden treasure.
Watching the documentary, the students totally understood the impact of climate change on polar bears.
The computer programming tutorial made the coding language totally understood by the aspiring programmers.
After attending the workshop, he said, "The new software features are totally understood now."
The professor's explanation of the historical events made the connections totally understood to the attentive students.
After the intensive training sessions, the safety protocols were totally understood by the new recruits.
Once he read the instructions twice, he totally understood how to assemble the furniture.
Having attended the seminar, they totally understood the importance of time management.
Following the detailed demonstration, the team totally understood the new software interface.
After the meeting, everyone totally understood their roles and responsibilities.
After studying it thoroughly, I totally understood the concept, and it all made sense.
The concept was totally understood once I thoroughly studied it.
Totally understood, his frustration about the lost opportunity was justified.
Her excitement about the new project was totally understood by her colleagues.
The instructions were detailed and easy to follow, so I totally understood the process.
He totally understood the gravity of the situation and acted swiftly.
The scientist totally understood the significance of the discovery and its potential impact.
The complex plot twist was totally understood by the avid reader.
After the explanation, she totally understood the assignment requirements.
Her passion for the subject was totally understood by her mentor.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Could you please explain the new project requirements?B: Certainly. We need to focus on scalability and user experience improvements.A: Got it. Scalability and user experience enhancements are the key priorities.B: Exactly. It's crucial for meeting our client's expectations.A: Totally understood. I'll start working on the plan right away.
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