Definition: To examine or inquire into the method or manner in which something is done or the way in which a situation or phenomenon occurs.

Synonyms: Study Method, Research Inquiry, Probe Manner, Examine Process, Explore Technique

Usage Examples in Sentences

Emma decided to investigate how plants grow for her science project.
The detective wanted to investigate how the mysterious noise occurred in the old house.
Tommy asked the librarian to help him investigate how to find information in the library.
In history class, Alex chose to investigate how ancient civilizations built their structures.
Scientists are conducting experiments to investigate how plants respond to different levels of sunlight.
The detective carefully examined the crime scene to investigate how the burglary occurred.
The researchers are using advanced technology to investigate how the brain processes information during sleep.
Environmentalists are working to investigate how pollution affects marine life in coastal ecosystems.
The IT specialist was assigned to investigate how the computer system was compromised by the cyberattack.
Scientists aim to investigate how climate change affects marine ecosystems.
The committee plans to investigate how the new policy will impact small businesses.
Researchers are conducting a study to investigate how sleep patterns influence cognitive function.
The government appointed a task force to investigate how to improve public transportation.
To investigate how children learn languages is the primary focus of the research.
The researchers aim to investigate how children learn languages.
To investigate how climate change affects migratory patterns, researchers tagged several bird species with GPS trackers.
The team decided to investigate how effective the new protocol was by comparing it with existing ones.
Researchers need to investigate how the moon's gravity influences tidal patterns on Earth.
The detective's primary goal was to investigate how the crime had been orchestrated.
We must investigate how these historical events are interconnected to understand their impact fully.
The commission was set up specifically to investigate how the funds were misused.
Novelists often investigate how complex characters evolve within their narratives to add depth to the story.

Usage Example in Conversation

Researcher: Good morning, Dr. Smith. I've been reviewing our project objectives, and I think it's crucial to investigate how our new algorithm performs in real-world scenarios.Dr. Smith: Good morning. I completely agree. We need to understand the practical implications. How do you propose we carry out this investigation?Researcher: I suggest conducting field tests in various environments to gather comprehensive data on its efficacy and adaptability.Dr. Smith: That sounds like a solid plan. Let's set up a meeting to discuss the specifics and allocate resources accordingly.
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