Definition: Referring to the need for additional steps or procedures to be carried out on something in order to continue or complete the processing.

Synonyms: Further Processing, Additional Steps, Extended Handling, Continued Processing, Advanced Treatment

Usage Examples in Sentences

The film negatives need to be processed further before we can see the pictures.
The initial design sketches are impressive, but they need to be processed further for the final blueprint.
The survey responses are in, and they will be processed further to extract meaningful insights.
The clay model of the sculpture is complete and is now ready to be processed further for the final artwork.
The interview transcripts have been recorded and need to be processed further for transcription.
The raw data collected from the experiment needs to be processed further before we can draw any meaningful conclusions.
To ensure accuracy, the samples must be processed further in the laboratory.
Once assembled, the parts will be processed further to achieve the desired finish.
The raw materials have to be processed further to meet quality standards.
After extraction, the oil needs to be processed further for purification.
The data, to be processed further, requires additional steps or procedures.
To be processed further, the raw data needs careful analysis.
The samples collected from the site need to be processed further for accurate results.
For the project to move forward, these documents have to be processed further.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Good morning, Sarah. I've reviewed the documents you submitted, and they seem promising. However, there are a few points that need to be processed further before we can move forward.B: Good morning, Michael. Thank you for your review. Could you please specify which points require additional processing?A: Certainly. Firstly, we need to conduct a thorough analysis of the financial projections to ensure their accuracy. Secondly, we must obtain regulatory approval for the proposed expansion plan.B: Understood. I'll prioritize these tasks and provide you with updates once they've been completed.
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