Definition: Requiring a significant amount of time or effort to complete or accomplish.
Synonyms: Time Consuming, Labor Intensive, Resource Heavy, Effort Demanding, Work Intensive
Usage Examples in Sentences
Writing a novel can be time intensive, requiring countless hours of dedication.
Learning to play a musical instrument is time intensive, demanding consistent practice.
Researching and writing a school project can be time intensive for students.
Constructing a complex Lego set is time intensive but enjoyable for enthusiasts.
The process of learning a new language is often time intensive, requiring consistent practice and dedication.
Building a successful career in research can be time intensive, with years of study and experimentation.
Completing a challenging puzzle can be time intensive, but the sense of accomplishment is worth it.
Conducting scientific experiments is often time intensive, requiring meticulous observation and analysis.
She found the cooking process to be time intensive.
The project required a time intensive approach to ensure accuracy.
Completing the renovation was more time intensive than we anticipated.
Time intensive projects often yield impressive results.
The research was time intensive but ultimately rewarding.
Completing the assignment was time intensive, but it taught me a lot.
The renovation project turned out to be more time intensive than expected.
She understood that achieving success in her career would be time intensive.
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