Definition: Tense, anxious, or nervous; having a high level of stress or tension.
Synonyms: Tense Coil, Close Twist, Taught Spiral, Compact Twirl, Bound Spiral
Usage Examples in Sentences
After the big exam, Tim felt tightly wound, worrying about the results.
The cat became tightly wound as the thunderstorm approached.
The soccer team was tightly wound before the championship match.
The tightly wound spring released its energy to make the clock tick.
Even though it was just a school play, Mary felt tightly wound playing the lead role.
Despite his tightly wound demeanor, he excelled in delivering a captivating speech.
The cat remained tightly wound, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting mouse.
The atmosphere in the room grew tightly wound as the final moments of the intense game unfolded.
The tightly wound negotiations reached a breakthrough, leading to a historic peace agreement.
The protagonist in the novel was portrayed as a tightly wound character, haunted by past traumas.
After the accident, he became tightly wound, constantly worrying about his recovery.
Her tightly wound demeanor betrayed the stress she was under.
As the exam date drew near, Sarah became tightly wound, studying late into the night.
Living in a tightly wound state for too long can have detrimental effects on one's health.
Despite his tightly wound nature, he managed to remain composed during the crisis.
She was tightly wound, her nerves fraying at the edges.
Tightly wound, he paced the room, unable to relax.
The tightly wound atmosphere in the office made it difficult to concentrate.
He found it hard to unwind in the tightly wound environment of the city.
In meetings, she was always tightly wound, her tension palpable.
They noticed how tightly wound she was, her shoulders tense and her jaw clenched.
The atmosphere at the meeting left her feeling tightly wound.
Tightly wound, she awaited the interview results.
Despite her outward calm, she felt tightly wound.
The suspense of the movie left him tightly wound.
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