Definition: Used to express that one has realized or discovered that their previous belief or assumption was mistaken.
Synonyms: I Assumed, Therefore, I, Consequently, I, That's Why I, As A Result, I
Usage Examples in Sentences
My friend claimed chocolate milk comes from brown cows, so I thought it was time for a dairy lesson.
She thought spiders were insects, so I thought it was crucial to explain the difference.
I used to think all birds could sing, so I thought it was interesting to learn about non-singing birds.
The experiment would fail, so I thought, until I discovered a crucial error in my calculations.
It appeared to be a simple puzzle, so I thought, but solving it required clever strategies.
The weather forecast predicted sunshine, so I thought it was safe to plan an outdoor picnic.
She looked upset, so I thought she was angry, but it turned out she was just having a bad day.
The mountain trail appeared short on the map, so I thought the hike would be easy, but it was quite strenuous.
So I thought my astrophysics calculations were flawless, but after reviewing the data, I discovered a critical error.
So I thought I understood the instructions, but I misinterpreted them.
I thought it was going to rain, so I thought we should bring umbrellas.
We were planning a picnic, but then the weather cleared up, so I thought we could go hiking instead.
So I thought she was upset with me, but it turns out she was just busy.
The movie trailers were promising, so I thought the film would be excellent.
We had all the ingredients for the recipe, so I thought dinner would be a success.
The presentation looked impressive, so I thought the speaker was knowledgeable.
At the party, I assumed everyone knew each other, but so I thought, many were meeting for the first time.
After reading the first chapter, so I thought, the book would be boring, but it became more engaging as I continued.
The test questions initially appeared easy, but so I thought, they became progressively harder.
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