Definition: Making progress or getting better at a gradual pace.
Synonyms: Gradual Progress, Steady Growth, Incremental Development, Gradual Betterment, Slow Advancement
Usage Examples in Sentences
The little plant is slowly improving with daily sunshine and water.
With consistent study, her grades are slowly improving in school.
By trying different recipes, her cooking is slowly improving.
The city's air quality is slowly improving due to environmental efforts.
With daily language practice, her fluency in Spanish is slowly improving.
By saving a little each month, her financial situation is slowly improving.
The marathon runner focused on slowly improving her pace to enhance endurance.
Through consistent practice, the musician found herself slowly improving her ability to play complex melodies.
The small business implemented strategic changes, slowly improving its financial stability.
With daily language exercises, the language learner was slowly improving her proficiency in French.
The conservation efforts were slowly improving the population of endangered species in the wild.
His penchant for intricate mathematical problems showed a pattern of slowly improving problem-solving skills.
The artist's oeuvre reveals a journey of slowly improving mastery over the nuances of brushstroke techniques.
The fledgling writer diligently worked on each manuscript, showcasing a talent for slowly improving storytelling.
In the realm of chess, her strategic moves reflected a mind committed to slowly improving tactical acumen.
The software engineer's code evolved, indicating a trajectory of slowly improving efficiency and optimization.
As a linguist, her multilingual proficiency developed into a testament of slowly improving language acquisition skills.
She is slowly improving her tennis skills with consistent practice.
The patient's condition is slowly improving, much to the relief of the family.
His grades are slowly improving as he dedicates more time to studying.
The quality of their customer service is slowly improving, as noted by recent feedback.
Over time, her relationship with her father is slowly improving.
Slowly improving her skills, Sarah became proficient in playing the piano.
John is slowly improving his grades in math through consistent practice.
He is steadily but surely slowly improving his coding skills.
Slowly improving, the economy shows signs of recovery.
The student's grades are slowly improving throughout the semester.
In her artwork, she can see her skills slowly improving.
With each session, the therapy is slowly improving his mental well-being.
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