Definition: To cry or express sadness by shedding a small number of tears.

Synonyms: Cry A Bit, Weep Some, Shed Some, Tear Up, Get Teary

Usage Examples in Sentences

When the puppy got lost, the little girl shed a few tears until they found him.
Emily shed a few tears when she accidentally broke her favorite toy.
At the emotional farewell party, many students shed a few tears as they said goodbye.
After the thunderstorm passed, the rainbow appeared, and the children shed a few tears of amazement.
The teacher shed a few tears of pride seeing her students excel in the science fair.
When the baby took their first steps, the parents shed a few tears of joy.
As the elderly couple danced at their 50th anniversary party, they shed a few tears of love and gratitude.
Sarah shed a few tears as she watched the emotional movie's heartbreaking ending.
The touching eulogy at the funeral caused many attendees to shed a few tears in remembrance of the departed soul.
The heartfelt graduation speech made even the stoic professor shed a few tears of pride for his accomplished students.
After years of hard work, she finally achieved her dream, causing her to shed a few tears of accomplishment.
In the quiet room, the poet read aloud a poignant verse that made the audience shed a few tears of deep reflection.
Facing an unexpected challenge, he managed to overcome it, and in that moment of triumph, he shed a few tears of relief.
Every time she listened to that song, she would inevitably shed a few tears.
Upon hearing the tragic news, he shed a few tears in sorrow.
She shed a few tears when she heard the sad news.
After the breakup, she shed a few tears every night.
Having lost her beloved pet, she shed a few tears in sorrow.
Determined to stay strong, she shed a few tears in private.
Amidst the laughter and joy, she unexpectedly shed a few tears of happiness.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Good morning, Sarah. I noticed you seemed a bit down during the meeting yesterday. Is everything alright?B: Morning, David. Yes, everything's fine. Just had a rough night, that's all.A: I understand. Sometimes we all have those days. If you need to talk about anything, I'm here.B: Thanks, David. I appreciate it. It's nothing major, just feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. I might have shed a few tears last night.A: I'm sorry to hear that. Remember, it's okay to let it out. Bottling up emotions can make things worse. Do you want to grab a coffee and chat about it?B: That sounds good, David. Let's do that. Thanks for being understanding.
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