Definition: A statement or report currently circulating without confirmation of its truth.

Synonyms: Gossip Suggests, Chatter Indicates, Whispers Claim, Hearsay Alleges, Speculation Hints

Usage Examples in Sentences

Rumors say that the new student is an excellent artist.
Rumors say that a new company is opening in our town, bringing more job opportunities.
Despite the rumors saying otherwise, his prowess in mathematics remains unparalleled.
Rumors say that the elusive author will reveal their true identity at the upcoming literary festival.
The rumors say the tech giant is secretly developing groundbreaking artificial intelligence.
I heard rumors say that the company might be undergoing a restructuring.
These rumors say that there will be a major product launch in the fall.
Rumors say that the team is considering hiring a new manager.
Have you heard the rumors say anything about upcoming changes to the policy?
What do the rumors say about the upcoming election?
The best sushi in town, rumors say, is served at the new restaurant downtown.
She dismissed the rumors saying her cat ran away.
The rumors say that the company is going bankrupt.
The neighbors' rumors say they won the lottery.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Hey, have you heard about the new project the company is supposedly starting?B: Yeah, rumors say they're planning something big, but I haven't seen any official announcements yet.A: I wonder where these rumors are coming from. It's always hard to tell what's true until we hear it from the higher-ups.B: Exactly. Until we get confirmation, it's best to take it with a grain of salt.
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