Definition: Benefits or gifts given as a result of some action or achievement, typically awarded for good behavior or accomplishments.
Synonyms: Prizes Given, Bonuses Awarded, Incentives Provided, Gifts Bestowed, Benefits Presented
Usage Examples in Sentences
Students receive rewards granted for completing their homework on time.
After finishing a book, readers may find rewards granted in the form of a satisfying ending.
Athletes often have rewards granted for their hard work and dedication during competitions.
Employees with outstanding performance may have rewards granted, such as bonuses or recognition.
Conservation efforts can lead to rewards granted in the form of a healthier environment.
Puzzle solvers can enjoy rewards granted in the sense of solving a challenging problem.
Following a healthy diet and exercise routine can result in rewards granted in improved fitness.
Contributions to a community project may result in rewards granted, fostering teamwork.
The company's annual performance bonuses were rewards granted to employees for their hard work and dedication.
After completing the challenging quest, the knight was pleased to find rewards granted by the grateful villagers.
In the world of gaming, rewards granted for completing missions motivate players to progress further in the storyline.
In the art competition, unique prizes were rewards granted to the most creative and innovative participants.
She eagerly awaited the rewards granted for her outstanding performance.
The company's policy dictates the rewards granted for exceeding sales targets.
Rewards granted for academic excellence motivate students to excel.
His dedication to community service earned him the rewards granted by the mayor.
The rewards granted by the scholarship committee helped alleviate financial burdens for many students.
The team's victory was celebrated with rewards granted by the sponsors.
Rewards granted to employees who exceed their sales targets are motivating.
The company rewards granted to top performers include bonuses and recognition.
High grades are rewards granted to students who consistently demonstrate academic excellence.
For exceptional customer service, rewards granted often include vouchers or discounts.
Rewards granted provide motivation for employees to excel.
Employees, motivated by the rewards granted, strive for excellence.
Academic achievement is encouraged by the rewards granted by the scholarship committee.
Athletes are motivated by the rewards granted for their exceptional performance.
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