Definition: Powers that are not specifically granted to the federal government by the Constitution and are therefore retained by the states or the people.

Synonyms: State Rights, Inherent Authority, Exclusive Powers, Local Control, Provincial Autonomy

Usage Examples in Sentences

In the school district, the authority to set curriculum standards is a part of their reserved powers.
Local parks and recreation policies fall under the city's reserved powers.
The mayor used reserved powers to make decisions about city planning and zoning regulations.
The state legislature exercised reserved powers to establish regulations for hunting seasons.
The city's reserved powers include determining the licensing requirements for businesses.
The school board, with its reserved powers, manages decisions related to school bus transportation.
The state governments have reserved powers to regulate education within their borders.
The mayor asserted the city's reserved powers in managing local public transportation systems.
The community's reserved powers allowed them to control zoning regulations for land use.
In matters of public health, states hold reserved powers to implement and enforce regulations.
The governor utilized reserved powers to address issues related to natural resource management.
The governor strategically wielded the state's reserved powers to navigate the intricacies of environmental policy.
Reserved powers, such as those related to education and public health, fall under the jurisdiction of state governments.
The debate over reserved powers often arises in discussions about federalism and the scope of governmental authority.
State legislatures exercise their reserved powers when passing laws that impact their citizens.
The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution explicitly addresses the concept of reserved powers.
Reserved powers, retained by the states or the people, are those not specifically granted to the federal government.
Reserved powers are crucial for maintaining a balance of authority between the federal government and the states.
States' rights activists often cite the concept of reserved powers as a basis for limiting federal authority.
Balancing reserved powers with federal authority is an ongoing challenge in American governance.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Good morning, Sarah. I wanted to discuss the division of powers between the federal government and the states in our upcoming project. Have you looked into the concept of reserved powers?B: Good morning, John. Yes, reserved powers refer to those powers not specifically granted to the federal government by the Constitution, right?A: Exactly. They're retained by the states or the people. I think understanding how they apply in our context will help us navigate potential legal issues.B: Agreed. I'll review our project plan with that in mind and ensure we're not encroaching on any reserved powers.
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