Definition: To make something irrelevant or pointless; to eliminate the significance or impact of something.

Synonyms: Make Irrelevant, Nullify Effect, Invalidate Point, Negate Significance, Void Impact

Usage Examples in Sentences

The discovery of a new planet beyond Pluto may render it moot in the discussion about the solar system's boundaries.
Wearing a raincoat can render it moot whether you get caught in a sudden downpour.
Completing the assignment before the deadline will render it moot to worry about last-minute changes.
Taking a direct flight can render it moot to worry about missing connecting flights.
Memorizing your lines in advance will render it moot to stumble during the school play.
Regular exercise can render it moot to stress about minor health issues.
The discovery of an alternative energy source could render the current debate on fossil fuels moot.
The adoption of eco-friendly practices could render discussions about environmental conservation moot.
The development of a universal cure for the disease would render debates on treatment options moot.
His impeccable defense strategy managed to render the opponent's arguments moot during the intense courtroom debate.
The new evidence presented in court will render it moot.
His decision to resign will render it moot whether he should have been fired.
The discovery of a cure for the disease will render it moot to debate preventive measures.
The team's unanimous decision to proceed made the objection render it moot.
His innovative solution might render it moot in future discussions.
Failure to secure funding may render it moot.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: I think we should consider implementing the new software system to streamline our operations.B: Actually, I believe the latest updates to our current system render it moot. It already has the capabilities we need.
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