Definition: To investigate more thoroughly or deeply, often in search of more information or understanding.
Synonyms: Delve Deeper, Explore Further, Dig Deeper, Investigate Further, Look Closer
Usage Examples in Sentences
The scientist wanted to probe deeper into the origins of the ancient artifact.
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In order to understand the poem better, she decided to probe deeper into its meanings.
The curious student wanted to probe deeper into the science experiment.
To uncover the truth, the journalist had to probe deeper into the corruption scandal.
The archaeologist used special tools to probe deeper into the layers of the ancient city.
As an astronomer, he always aimed to probe deeper into the mysteries of the universe.
He decided to probe deeper into the ancient manuscript to unveil its hidden secrets.
The detective needed to probe deeper into the case to uncover the elusive motive behind the crime.
As the journalist sought to probe deeper into the political scandal, more shocking revelations emerged.
In order to improve his skills, the musician decided to probe deeper into the nuances of musical theory.
Facing a challenging puzzle, the gamer had to probe deeper into the game mechanics to find a solution.
To enhance her language proficiency, she made it a habit to probe deeper into the nuances of English grammar.
The psychologist encouraged the patient to probe deeper into their emotions to identify the root cause of distress.
As the investigation progressed, detectives were urged to probe deeper into the suspect's background.
To solve the case, the detective knew he had to probe deeper into the suspect's alibi.
Probe deeper into the mysteries of the ancient ruins.
The team decided to probe deeper into the data to uncover hidden patterns.
The professor advised his students to probe deeper into the philosophical implications.
We need to probe deeper into the reasons behind the company's decline.
She advised him to probe deeper into the meaning of the poem.