Definition: To resume or continue something that was previously interrupted or stopped.

Synonyms: Resume, Continue, Restart, Recover, Begin Again

Usage Examples in Sentences

He decided to pick back up his favorite book from where he left off yesterday.
The chef had to pick back up cooking the dinner when the power outage was resolved.
After the brief break, she decided to pick back up with her novel where she had left off.
The athlete, after a momentary setback, was determined to pick back up and finish the race strong.
The chef had to attend to an urgent matter but promised to pick back up with the cooking demonstration shortly.
The hiker took a short break to enjoy the view but was eager to pick back up on the trail and reach the summit.
She promised to pick back up her guitar lessons once her schedule clears up a bit.
After the rain stopped, we can pick back up with our outdoor picnic.
After the lunch break, we will pick back up with the presentation.
In the middle of the movie, they decided to pick back up with popcorn.
He promised to pick back up his guitar practice after exams.
After the interruption, the speaker managed to pick back up smoothly.

Usage Example in Conversation

Employee: Good morning, Mr. Johnson. I wanted to discuss the marketing report with you.Manager: Good morning! Of course, what's on your mind?Employee: Well, I started drafting it last week, but got caught up with urgent client requests. I'm ready to pick back up where I left off now.Manager: That's understandable. Let's take a look at what you've got so far, and we can discuss how to move forward.
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