Definition: According to the doctor's instructions or advice.

Synonyms: Doctor's Order, Medical Advice, Physician's Directive, Healthcare Recommendation, MD's Instruction

Usage Examples in Sentences

Take the medicine per doctor to recover quickly.
She needs to rest for two days per doctor's recommendation.
Follow the skincare routine per doctor for clear skin.
The patient should avoid spicy foods per doctor's orders.
Wear sunglasses per doctor to protect your eyes from the sun.
Rest at least eight hours per doctor for a good night's sleep.
He needs to take two pills per doctor after each meal.
You should exercise for at least 30 minutes per doctor's recommendation.
She must avoid dairy products per doctor due to lactose intolerance.
Rest for a minimum of eight hours per doctor's advice for optimal well-being.
Apply the ointment per doctor to the affected area twice a day.
The tailored fitness routine was designed per doctor to meet the athlete's unique requirements.
The young artist embraced a personalized approach to her creative process, creating masterpieces per doctor.
The experimental treatment showed promising results, administered per doctor's innovative approach.
The legal strategy was crafted per doctor, considering the intricacies of the case and potential outcomes.
Per doctor, it is imperative to take the prescribed medication twice daily.
The patient's progress will be monitored closely per doctor.
The treatment plan will be customized per doctor's assessment.
Per doctor, you should take this medication three times a day.
The medication must be taken with food, per doctor, to avoid stomach upset.
Exercise is essential, per doctor, but it should be done in moderation.
She follows a special diet, per doctor, to manage her diabetes.
Per doctor, he should avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks.
Her sleep schedule has been adjusted, per doctor, to improve her energy levels.

Usage Example in Conversation

Dr. Smith: Based on the tests we ran, it looks like you have a vitamin deficiency.Patient: What should I do about it?Dr. Smith: I recommend taking vitamin supplements daily, per doctor.
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