Definition: A phrase indicating a high degree of inclusivity, suggesting that a statement or condition applies to a significant or complete majority of a particular group or set.

Synonyms: Majority Perhaps, Almost All, Many Perhaps, Nearly All, Vast Majority

Usage Examples in Sentences

Most if not all children enjoy playing in the park.
Of the options presented, most if not all, are viable solutions to the problem.
The research findings apply to most if not all cases of this disease.
In this class, most if not all students are eager to learn.
Most if not all employees are required to attend the training session.
The professor believes that most if not all students will pass the exam.
Agreeing on the theory of evolution is something most if not all scientists do.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Based on our market research, it seems that most, if not all, of our customers are satisfied with the new product.B: That's great to hear! Could you share some specific feedback that supports this conclusion?A: Certainly. We've received positive comments about its ease of use, durability, and value for money from the majority of our customers.B: It sounds like we're on the right track then. Let's continue to monitor customer feedback to ensure we maintain this level of satisfaction.
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