Definition: In a manner that shows intelligence, quick-wittedness, or ingenuity.

Synonyms: Smarter, Sharper, Wiser, Brainier, Slyer

Usage Examples in Sentences

The detective cracked the case more cleverly, revealing the hidden clues.
The young inventor designed a machine that operated more cleverly than expected.
The cat caught the elusive mouse more cleverly this time, using a strategic approach.
Emily completed the maze more cleverly, finding the quickest path to the exit.
In the play, the character devised a plan to escape more cleverly from the villains.
Lucy arranged the flowers in the vase more cleverly, creating a beautiful bouquet.
The architect designed the building's layout more cleverly to maximize natural light.
His argument was presented more cleverly, persuading even the skeptical audience.
In negotiations, she navigated the delicate discussion more cleverly, securing a favorable deal.
The comedian delivered the punchline more cleverly, eliciting laughter from the audience.
His plan was devised more cleverly than we had anticipated.
The magician performed his tricks more cleverly than ever before.
The spy infiltrated the enemy base more cleverly than expected.
More cleverly than anyone else in the room, she solved the puzzle.
She solved the puzzle with a more cleverly devised strategy.
She approached the problem more cleverly than her peers did.
She completed the project more cleverly than anyone expected.
The detective deduced the culprit's identity more cleverly than anticipated.
The architect designed the building more cleverly, optimizing space usage.
More cleverly, the comedian improvised jokes based on audience reactions.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: I think we need to rethink our marketing strategy. Our current approach isn't yielding the results we hoped for.B: I agree. Perhaps we could target a more niche audience. It might be more cleverly to focus on a specific demographic rather than casting a wide net.A: That's a good point. We could tailor our messaging to resonate better with that demographic. Do you have any suggestions on which audience we should target?B: I've been analyzing our data, and it seems that younger professionals aged 25-35 are engaging more with our content. Maybe we could create content that speaks directly to their career aspirations. It could be a more cleverly approach to capture their attention.
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