Definition: Moving one's gaze alternately in two opposite directions, typically to observe or consider different things.

Synonyms: Scanning, Checking, Glancing, Surveying, Examining

Usage Examples in Sentences

The cat was looking back and forth between the two dangling toys.
He was looking back and forth, trying to decide which ice cream flavor to choose.
The soccer players were looking back and forth, strategizing their next move.
She spent hours looking back and forth between the pages of the novel, trying to unravel the mystery.
The children, excitedly, were looking back and forth at the colorful fireworks lighting up the night sky.
The traffic cop stood at the busy intersection, tirelessly looking back and forth to manage the flow of vehicles.
In the kitchen, the chef was busy multitasking, looking back and forth between various pots and pans on the stove.
She kept looking back and forth between the two options before making a decision.
The children were looking back and forth, trying to decide which game to play next.
As the argument escalated, they began looking back and forth for someone to intervene.
The audience members were looking back and forth, trying to follow the fast-paced action on stage.
As the negotiations continued, the representatives were looking back and forth for signs of compromise.
The lovers sat on the park bench, softly whispering and looking back and forth into each other's eyes.
Looking back and forth, he tried to catch glimpses of both teams' strategies.
He sat at his desk, looking back and forth, trying to decide which project to tackle first.
She walked along the crowded street, looking back and forth, searching for her lost keys.
With a puzzled expression, she stood in front of the map, looking back and forth between it and the street signs.
The children giggled as they played a game of hide-and-seek, looking back and forth to see if anyone was coming.
She flipped through the pages of the book, looking back and forth to find the passage she had marked.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: During the meeting, I noticed John was constantly looking back and forth between the presentation slides and his notes.B: Yes, he's very thorough. I think he was trying to ensure he didn't miss any important points.A: It's a good habit, especially when discussing complex topics like these.
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