Definition: Mentioned or displayed on the website.
Synonyms: Website Listing, Online Listing, Listed Online, Web Listing, Listed Site
Usage Examples in Sentences
The company's core values and mission statement are listed on the website.
The museum's upcoming exhibitions are listed on the website for visitors to plan their visit.
Travel itinerary and accommodation options are listed on the website for the convenience of tourists.
The ingredients and nutritional information for each menu item are listed on the website.
A myriad of avant-garde artworks, including surrealist masterpieces, is elegantly listed on the website.
The rare celestial events observable from Earth are diligently listed on the website.
The myriad ecological niches supporting biodiversity across the planet are meticulously listed on the website.
The product is listed on the website for easy access.
Our contact information is listed on the website for inquiries.
The products listed on the website are all high-quality.
On the website, you can find all the listed products.
The properties listed on the website are worth checking out.
For exceptional students, scholarships listed on the website are available.
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