Definition: Used to indicate that the information being presented is accurate, factual, or truthful, often in a formal or legal context.

Synonyms: Document Facts, State Facts, Record Facts, Acknowledge Facts, Note Facts

Usage Examples in Sentences

Let the record show that the sun rises in the east every morning.
Let the record show that the defendant's alibi was confirmed by multiple eyewitnesses during the trial.
Let the record show that the defendant was present at the scene of the crime.
The accused, let the record show, was present at the scene.
The witness's statement, let the record show, corroborates the evidence.
Let the record show the date and time of the incident for clarity.
For the sake of accuracy, let the record show all relevant details.
Let the record show his dedication to the project despite facing numerous obstacles.
Let the record show, he arrived at the meeting exactly on time.
In the court of law, let the record show that the defendant has been granted bail.
Let the record show that the patient's vital signs have stabilized.
Despite the obstacles, let the record show his unwavering determination.

Usage Example in Conversation

Lawyer A: Your Honor, I'd like to address the court regarding the events that took place on the evening of June 15th.Judge: Please proceed, Counsel.Lawyer A: Thank you, Your Honor. Let the record show that on the evening of June 15th, my client was at a charity fundraiser.Judge: Duly noted. Continue, Counsel.Lawyer A: Furthermore, let the record show that there were multiple witnesses corroborating my client's whereabouts.Judge: Understood. Thank you for the clarification, Counsel.
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