Definition: A request to express something differently or in a different way.

Synonyms: Refocus, Clarify, Restate, Reword, Reiterate

Usage Examples in Sentences

Could you let me rephrase that statement regarding the economic forecast?
Before we proceed, let me rephrase that concept about gravitational waves.
Could you please let me rephrase that for better understanding?
Let me rephrase that in a simpler way.
Can you let me rephrase that to ensure clarity?
Let me rephrase that, considering the audience's perspective.
Let me rephrase that, shall we?

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Based on our current projections, it seems like we won't be able to meet the deadline for the project.B: Let me rephrase that. It appears that we might encounter difficulties in meeting the project deadline according to our current projections.
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