Definition: It refers to the ability or possibility for something to be established, arranged, or adjusted.

Synonyms: Set Timer, Configure Settings, Adjust Thermostat, Program Device, Schedule Appointment

Usage Examples in Sentences

The thermostat has a feature where it can be set to different temperatures for different times of the day.
For security purposes, it can be set to require a complex password with special characters.
In the preferences menu, it can be set to display notifications for incoming messages.
It can be set according to your preferences.
For any given software system, it can be set to operate under specific user configurations.
In response to the user's preferences, it can be set by default in the application settings.
When programming a thermostat, it can be set to adjust temperatures based on time of day.
It can be set so that each participant has access to the necessary resources for the project.
It can be set to alert the team whenever the project milestones are achieved.
Before starting the machine, ensure it can be set to the correct operating mode.
By adjusting the filters, it can be set to display only the most relevant data on the dashboard.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: We need to ensure that the security settings are configurable based on user preferences.B: That shouldn't be a problem. Our system is quite flexible, so it can be set to accommodate various security levels.A: Great. Can you also confirm if the notification frequency is adjustable?B: Yes, absolutely. Notification settings can be customized according to user requirements. It can be set to notify users as frequently or infrequently as needed.
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