Definition: Indicating the absence or non-display of something.

Synonyms: Not Displayed, Hidden Content, Invisible Element, Concealed Information, Unrevealed Details

Usage Examples in Sentences

The secret message is not shown on the invisible ink page.
The answer to the riddle is not shown in the back of the book.
The hidden path in the forest is not shown on the regular map.
The missing puzzle piece is not shown in the completed picture.
The crucial evidence is not shown in the court proceedings, leaving room for doubt.
The recipe's secret ingredient is not shown on the cooking show, keeping chefs intrigued.
The answer to the riddle is not shown immediately, allowing time for contemplation.
The elusive solution to the mathematical problem is not shown in the textbook.
The clandestine meeting location is not shown on the map for security reasons.
The confidential data is not shown in the public report to protect sensitive information.
The true nature of the problem is not shown in the report.
His talent is not shown through his current job.
The importance of this issue is not shown in the media.
The result is not shown due to technical issues.
The error message appears when the content is not shown.
The reason for the blank page is that the content is not shown.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Good morning, Emily. I've reviewed the latest draft of the presentation, but I noticed that the budget breakdown is not shown. Could you please add that in?B: Good morning, Mark. Sure, I'll make sure to include the budget breakdown on the slides before the final presentation. Thanks for catching that!
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