Definition: A person who teaches or educates in a specific subject or discipline within a course.
Synonyms: Course Teacher, Class Leader, Lesson Guide, Educator Mentor, Training Tutor
Usage Examples in Sentences
Mr. Johnson is the instructor of the course on mathematics.
The instructor of the course on science conducted a fun experiment today.
In the instructor of the course on literature, we discussed Shakespeare's plays.
The instructor of the course emphasized the importance of critical thinking skills in academic writing.
As the instructor of the course on digital marketing, she introduced innovative strategies to boost online engagement.
The erudite instructor of the course elucidated the intricacies of quantum mechanics to her astrophysics students.
The instructor of the course explained the key concepts with clarity.
As the instructor of the course, her dedication to student success is evident.
Students appreciated the instructor of the course for their engaging teaching style.
Her experience as the instructor of the course enhanced the learning experience.
We had a lively discussion with the instructor of the course about the course material.
Explaining the syllabus on the first day, the instructor of the course set the tone for the semester.
The syllabus was explained by the instructor of the course on the first day.
Understanding the expectations, the instructor of the course clarified doubts promptly.
By fostering a conducive learning environment, the instructor of the course prioritizes student success.
His students respect the instructor of the course for her dedication.
Instructor of the course, Dr. Smith, is renowned in the field.
The instructor of the course often organizes interactive sessions.
Under the guidance of the instructor of the course, students excel.
Physics is a challenging subject, but the instructor of the course makes it accessible.
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