Definition: Expressing the opinion that someone is entitled to or worthy of something based on their actions or qualities.
Synonyms: Earned Reward, Justified Merit, Worthy Entitlement, Deserved Recognition, Valid Acknowledgment
Usage Examples in Sentences
Completing all his chores without being asked, he deserves it.
Being kind to everyone, he deserves it.
With his dedication to community service, he truly deserves the volunteer of the year award.
The chef's meticulous attention to detail in every dish shows he deserves the Michelin star.
In light of his accomplishments, he deserves it.
He deserves it more than anyone else in the team.
She believes he deserves it after all his hard work.
Surely he deserves it, given his dedication.
He deserves it, having worked tirelessly on the project.
The team unanimously agreed that he deserves it.
Despite the challenges, he deserves it for his perseverance.
With his humility and hard work, he deserves it.
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