Definition: Used to express satisfaction or contentment with a situation that is considered fortunate or lucky.

Synonyms: Luckily, Thankfully, Fortunately, Blessedly, Gratefully

Usage Examples in Sentences

Fortunately enough, the train was delayed, allowing me to catch it.
Fortunately enough, I found a parking spot right in front of the museum.
Fortunately enough, the serendipitous alignment of celestial bodies granted astronomers a rare glimpse into the cosmos.
Fortunately enough, we were able to catch the last train home.
Fortunately enough, the exam questions were exactly what I had studied.
Fortunately enough, they found shelter before the storm hit.
Fortunately enough, the rescue team arrived before the situation worsened.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Good morning, Sarah. I hope you had a great weekend.B: Good morning, John. Yes, it was quite relaxing, fortunately enough. How about yours?A: Mine was good too, thanks. So, about the project presentation scheduled for Friday...
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