Definition: To establish a strong and lasting bond or relationship with someone through mutual trust and companionship.
Synonyms: Build Bond, Create Connection, Form Alliance, Establish Rapport, Cultivate Relationship
Usage Examples in Sentences
The two puppies played together, helping them forge friendship quickly.
Collaborating on a charity project, they found a meaningful way to forge friendship.
During the cooking class, they discovered a common passion and decided to forge friendship.
In the quaint bookstore, they met and began to forge a friendship over their shared love for classic literature.
Despite their cultural differences, the two diplomats managed to forge a friendship during the intense negotiations.
The scientist and the artist collaborated to forge a friendship that bridged the gap between logic and creativity.
The intense training sessions on the sports field allowed the teammates to forge a friendship that went beyond the game.
Despite their differences, they managed to forge a friendship based on mutual respect.
Through their passion for music, they were able to forge a friendship that harmonized perfectly.
To forge friendship is one of life's greatest joys.
Through laughter and tears, we forge friendship.
In times of need, true friends help us forge friendship.
After years of working together, they finally managed to forge friendship, solidifying their bond.
Through shared experiences and mutual respect, they were able to forge friendship that would last a lifetime.
Despite their differences, they were able to forge friendship, finding common ground in their love for adventure.
As they embarked on their journey together, they knew they would need to forge friendship to overcome any obstacles.
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