Definition: To stop pretending or to be genuine and honest; to cease putting on a false appearance or behavior.

Synonyms: Stop Pretending, End Charade, Quit Facade, Ditch Pretense, Abandon Masquerade

Usage Examples in Sentences

The student had to drop the act and ask for help with the difficult assignment.
At the costume party, she had to drop the act and reveal her true identity.
After years of pretending to be happy in her job, Sarah decided to drop the act and pursue her passion for art.
The detective advised the suspect to drop the act and cooperate, promising a more lenient outcome.
Tired of pretending everything was fine, Emily finally chose to drop the act and seek help for her mental health.
The comedian decided to drop the act and share personal stories, connecting with the audience on a deeper level.
She decided to drop the act and revealed her true emotions, surprising everyone at the solemn ceremony.
The talented actor was asked to drop the act of comedy and portray a deeply intense character in the upcoming film.
She finally decided to drop the act and be honest with herself.
They can see through your facade, so just drop the act already.
His friends urged him to drop the act and be sincere about his intentions.
Be genuine with each other and drop the act, please.
Please drop the act and be honest about your feelings.
Now is the time to drop the act and show your true self.
Drop the act and admit that you need help.
The politician was forced to drop the act when evidence of corruption surfaced.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Hey, Sarah, can we have a quick chat?B: Sure, what's up?A: I've noticed lately that you seem a bit distant, especially during team meetings. Is everything okay?B: Yeah, I'm fine. Just dealing with some personal stuff.A: Alright, I understand. But if there's anything you need help with or if you just need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.B: Thanks, I appreciate it. I'll keep that in mind.A: Good. And if I may, it would be better for the team if you could drop the act and be open about what you're going through. We're all here to support each other.B: You're right. I'll try to be more transparent about it. Thanks for understanding.
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