Definition: Creates an attraction or connection between the speaker and the person addressed.

Synonyms: Attracts Me, Pulls Me In, Draws Near, Magnetic Allure, Captivates Me

Usage Examples in Sentences

His talent for playing the guitar draws me to him.
The way you play soccer so skillfully draws me to you.
Her artistic talent really draws me to you.
The adventurous spirit you possess draws me to you.
The kindness you show to others draws me to you.
The kaleidoscope of emotions within your poetry draws me to you.
The serendipitous synchronicity in our conversations draws me to you.
In a crowded room, your smile draws me to you, shining like a beacon.
Your kindness draws me to you, like a gentle breeze on a hot day.
Your passion for life draws me to you, igniting a fire within me.
What draws me to you is your unwavering determination.
In every conversation, something about you draws me to you.

Usage Example in Conversation

A: Thank you for meeting with me today, Sarah. I've been impressed by the innovative projects your team has been working on.B: I appreciate that, Alex. Your reputation for strategic thinking and problem-solving is what draws me to you as a potential collaborator.A: It's great to hear that. I believe our combined strengths could lead to some exciting opportunities.
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